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You continued running. The hallways splattered with red blurred all around you as tears clouded your already terrible vision. You could hear him. Could hear his footsteps as your worst nightmare chased after you. The mutilated bodies of both friend and foe were covered in the same liquid as the walls. You ran past each body, you couldn't bear to look at the faces you couldn't save. You were the last one alive. Your blood was going to be the last to cover these hallways. Forever staining them red as you join the others in the afterlife.

Or so he thought. 

You were going to make it out this mansion alive. You just had to. But if things went to worse, you were going to kill him as he killed you. Making sure he couldn't terrorize anyone else. You weren't doing this for yourself. You were doing this for your best friend. Who, in her dying breath, made you promise to end his tyranny of red once and for all. Although you weren't sure you could. You were going to try. Perhaps, your family would forgive you for mistakes you took long ago.

Suddenly, his footsteps seemed much closer. With a frightened sob, you realised that he was becoming much closer, almost behind you now. The adreneline in your system however, give your exhausted legs a push to run faster. Your laboured breaths giving away your location to the other monsters in the house.

His dark, taunting British accent cut through the slience like it was sinew. 

"I know your not going to be able to run for much longer. Darling, make it easier for both of us and just stop"


You dropped onto the ground. Blood spurted from your pale lips as the bullet entered your chest. The red appeared on your white shirt. With a shriek of pain, you rolled over onto your stomach. So you could see the insanity gleaming in the red eyes of your killer. The killer of you, your friends and even the people you depised the most.

A dark shadow loomed over you. You could practically smell the bloodlust coming off your twin brother as he stands above you, knife at the ready. His brown, chin length hair was matted at the ends. Covered in blood. The gun he had used to shoot you was on the ground. Most likey he dropped it after hurting you. A wide, insane grin appeared on his face. Eyes wide with bloodlust, anger and...

Surprisingly enough, hesitation.

Well I guess your Trevor wasn't all gone. Perhaps a tiny piece of sanity remained in him. Perhaps it was enough to prevent him from killing you. Maybe you didn't have to kill him.  Maybe he could stop and get help. Yes, that's what you wanted. You really didn't want to kill your own flesh and blood. 

Deciding to reason with him, you spoke. With fear laced into the words.

"Trevor, p-please stop"

He glared down at you. 

"Why should I? Kaiaden" Your twin brother spoke your real name with true hatred and venom.

"It's not you! Please, I'll help you get better!" Your voice trembled as tears began cascading down your face. Mixing with the blood already there. The small knife hidden in your jean pocket suddenly felt a lot heavier as the reality of having to hurt him kicked you hard.

"You're a helpless little rabbit. I'm a hunter. It's my place to hunt you, weakli-"

The startling pain of a knife entering his thigh ended his speech. Trevour howled in pain, clutching onto his bleeding leg as you shot up, making sure to kick him in the family jewels, you sprinted away. Hearing him shout for you in anger. However you didn't get far. Your injuries made it impossible to travel far without some sort of help.

The front door was right in front of you. Teasing you as you staggered and coughed. Trevor was getting closer. Your short aurburn hair hung in your face. Making it almost impossible to see what is infront of you. 

Gleaming red eyes stared right into your wide, terrified grey ones. A tanned hand covered in blood and scars gripped onto your pale, bruised chin and lifted your face up. The voice that came out of his thin lips didn't sound like him.

But it did sound familiar.

"Chloe, wake up Chloe. Wake up"

You frowned in confusion. The voice was muffled, distorted and distant.

"Chloe Dayes, Wake up! It's time for school"

Something smacked you over the head.

Your eyes snapped open. Faster than a rocket, you jumped out of bed, holding a fluffy pink pillow for a weapon. Looking around your bedroom, you realised it was only a dream. Trevor was locked away in a mental asylum. Never causing harm again. You and everyone else was safe. 

Your gaze met your mothers. The corners of her mouth lifted down into a frown. You did not exactly like your mother. She did not exactly like you. How you managed to live together was a mystery to everyone. She was what you call a stereotypical rich business woman. Glasses, blonde hair always in a bun and a strict, no fun personality. In fact, the only emotion shown in her eyes was when your father bought her something fancy. So yes, you could call Jennifer Dayes a gold-digger.

"Chloe, goodness child. It took forever to wake you up! Next time, make sure your alarm clock is working or so help me I'll let you sleep and be let for school!"

You hung your head. Not really in the mood to argue.

"Yes mother"

She snorted and crossed her arms. A disapproving look in her grey eyes.

A cold breeze blew over the both of you, causing you to both shiver in unison. You glanced at the window. It was closed. How odd. The heat radiating from the radiator was extremely warm. Why was it cold?

As quickly as it came, the breeze was gone. Almost like it was never there to begin with. Again, your paranoid mind was making scenarios that would never happen. Although, you probably shouldn't have watched all those horror films as a child.

"Now get ready for school. And fast. Your little brothers are already dressed. Chloe. I will not be waiting for long, you hear me?"

You nodded and Jennifer left. A sigh escaping her red lips. Glancing at your wardrobe, you walked towards it. 

And like your mother warned you. You got ready for hell- I mean school as quick as possible.

But, you were too slow. By the time you got downstairs, your father had left for work and Jennifer had taken James and Bryan to school already. The only other creature in the house was your husky, Rin.

He barked at you, tail wagging happily behind him as he hauled his huge form off the couch and straight over to you, nearly knocking you down.

"Hey, boy. How's it going?"

He just barked again. 

"Rin, I gotta go buddy. Be careful for me ok?" You hugged your dog. Him being the only source of comfort you had in your day to day routine.

Letting go of your dog, you walked outside. Watching the cold air as you breathed out. While it was spring, it was still really cold. The concrete made no noise as your brown boots walked across it. Slience was something you liked and moving as silent as possible was even a bigger boon for you.

The trees were slowly growing their leaves back. Which would provide shelter from the blazing heat coming in the summer. The sun glowed softly over the horizon. Not fully in sight because of how early it was. You didn't mind. The scenary around you was perfect and beautiful. Especially when you heard the birds start to sing. 

Everything was peaceful. Everything was alright. You just wished it would last like this forever.

But as you and everyone else knows.

All good things come to an end eventually. Some sooner, some later than others.

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