Rainy Nights

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I sat by the window with tears that have been rolling down from eyes since afternoon. I was this close to being what I have always wanted have , a family. My fiance said he would be there for me no matter what . Where is he now , somewhere else having intercourse with another woman. The doctors told me that my baby was too developed to take abortion as an action and the risk. If I pull my little girl out now I would lose her but if I give birth to her. I will die.

So there I was again by the window with the sound of rain colliding with the window pane. I sat just by a candle keeping me warm. I move close to the candle and took a deep breathe .

I blew it out.


After the scene this phone call was recorded:

911 : 911 what is the emergency

Neighbour: Hello ... umm yes this is Sarah. I can hear screaming from my neighbour's bedroom and there is blood on the window.

911 : We will arrive shortly


Shortly after the call:

Paramedics came to take the corpse of Loraine Sky and her child out of the house. The screams were the sound of miscarriage. Both the mother and the child died that rainy night. All because she was not ready and she trusted a wrong man to take care of her.


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