So its just me, just me alone. I'm single and i think i enjoy it. After being in the relationship i was in its nice to be dependent by myself. My previous relationship was...interesting. we connected in a lot of ways but somthing seemed off. See i dont mess around with guys that often so i dont do a whoke lot but he had done a lot more than me. At times it was awkward, other times it was nice. He also messed around with drugs and alcohol and i, in that sense, was innocent. Things were good fir a while, then they just got bad...really bad. He started to grab my arm after i would say somthing that he didnt like and he would hold on so tight. I would wear long sleeves to cover up some of the marks. Then there was one time where i was at his house and we were messing around and i said i didnt want to do something and he almost hit me. He held himself back because he knew better than that but i closed off i just stoped at lot. I didnt eat a lot and i got real depressed. This relationship went on for a while and then one day i told him i was done and he tried making me stay but i just walked away. We havent talked since. Sometimes he follows me, but we never talk. Weeks and months went by, i was by myself and it felt good. Then i saw him...
Its Always Been You
Romanceits always been tough for me to be in a relationship, love hurts. then he came along and made it worse. i cant let him go what do i do. hes everywhere, hes the reason i get no sleep. hes the reason i am this way. how do i let him go...