11. Don't lie to me

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She just... Left me?

I know what your thinking Lauren your being so dramatic, you barely know her. Trust me, I'm thinking the exact same thing. I'm so angry with myself for letting myself get attached to her.

I thought she was different

I shook my head angrily as I stepped into my shower, trying to erase any smell or memory of Camila. Her intoxicating vanilla scent, her smooth silky brown hair, her mysterious hazelnut eyes... Her cute little forehead mole.

I rested my head against the cold tiled wall and let the warm water trickle down my back as I sobbed quietly. I wasn't angry anymore, I was heartbroken. I silently turned the nob and let the roasting water burn my back, trying to feel something other than sadness. With images of Camila leaving me still fresh in my mind, I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel. I look at my reflection in the mirror and was shocked by how drained I looked. There were noticeably large bags under my eyes and my face was unusually pale. I sighed to myself as I threw on some black yoga pants that stopped just below my knees and a white tank top. I didn't bother straightening my hair leaving it slightly more curly than usual.

I slowly trudged into the living room and collapsed face first onto the seat with a dramatic groan. Normani walked out of her room next and into the kitchen with her hair in a messy bun.

'Good Morning Laur' she mumbled through a yawn as she prepared some toast.

'What's so good about it?' I said a bit too harshly, with my face stuffed in a pillow that I clung to my chest.

Normani sighed and turned to face me from the swivel chair near the island in the kitchen 'what happened?'

I walked to the fridge and chugged from the orange juice carton.

'Ew gross Laur' Mani said as she grabbed the carton, putting it back in the fridge.

'I wasn't finished' I grumbled

'I don't care, now tell Mani what happened' she said sweetly as she sat next to me on the couch.

'She left' I whispered, fumbling with my fingers

'Who left?'

'Camila left' I couldn't help the crack in my voice as my eyes filled with tears.

'Oh Laur' mani said as she wrapped me in a hug and I sobbed into her chest.

'Did she say why?' Normani asked as she rubbed circled on my back.

'She said she was "dangerous"' I mumbled with air quotes

'Well... Is she?'

'What? Mani, Camila couldn't hurt a fly' I wiped my cheeks with the back of my hand.

''Laur don't take this the wrong way but you don't know her' I opened my mouth to speak but she interrupted me. 'Laur you've known her for a few days and you've given her a chance and that's great' her tone became a bit harder now 'but think of how you met her, her house was set on fire for Christ's sake and I didn't miss those bruises on her stomach either'

'How'd you know about that?' I asked curiously

'Oh' she smirked 'when you were in the hospital me and Dinah snuck into her room to see the girl you courageously saved' I chuckled lightly 'the bruises looked bad Laur'

'She has no one Mani' I told her 'I know you mean well and I love you so much for it but...' I shook my head trying to gather my thoughts 'I can't lose her' I whispered

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