1. The Origine

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The Vampire Bible contains our origin.
The way we were born , the way we salvage, the way we brought doom to the earth. People think we are just scary dark mythological characters,
who rise from their graves at night to feed on human blood. And we are mortal to silver ,garlic.
                       But you are all wrong, we are nothing but creations of science. We were not the son of god, but the son of science. Our race was born like how every one of those comic book superheros were born. We are nothing but the products of a failed science experiment. Vampiresim is nothing but a disease, which is caused by the vampire virus. The infection spreads through biting , the saliva of the preadator contain the virus, which infects the prey. And within 24 hours the virus spreads across the host's body and chages them to one of our kind. You must be thinking us as outdated,and we no longer exist except in stories. But you'er quit wrong we still exist in every single colony,town and city. We adapted your lifestyle. Infact we can be anyone,maybe you neighbour.....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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