• H-hey..•

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" Good morning bro" Luhan said to his little brother as he was sitting next to him at the bed.

"Good morning" I said with my hoarse morning voice as I opened one of my eyes... 

"Come on!!."


"Come on D.O. u forgot. You' re starting school today. Let' s go"

OMG! I have forgot... My bro has changed school since he s older. But now that I ended high school too I had to go at university too... Pff....new place ...new people.... I can't with all of this....

Iwant to stay at home or even make thesame class...but yes I have to move on ... I can' t stuck with things... I' m gonna be strong..

" Oh Lu of course I haven' t but... do I really have to go today..." I said pouting...

"Yeah come on... come on..." Luhan said hugging me tightly and lifting me from my bed and putting me to the bathroom and locked the door...


"Get ready NOW!"

"Aaaagh... ok " I have no other choice... I took a bath and get ready... I wear my fav ripped jeans and a black shirt and I made my hair a little... I wanted to make a good first expression at university.

I went downstairs and see my hyung waiting for me by the door... "Eat I have made u something...please be quick"

"Ok! Thanks hyung!"

" You re welcome my cutie pie"

I ate my breakfast and I wore my shoes. " I' m ready. Let' s go"

Luhan drove me to our university and he lead the way.

We went to get my number of my classes and he show me where to go. I entered the class only to find it full with students.

"A-am ... I' m sorry ..." I said getting red... I was so shy..

Thank God I have one same lesson with my bro.

"Don' t be. You must be the new student right?" the teacher told me

"Yes. I' m Do Kyungsoo."

"Nice to meet u. I' m teacher Lee. " He told me and he turned to talk to the class.

"Guys... here' s our new student. Please take care of him. "


OMG!... I can' t believe it ....

I have promised to myself that I won' t let myself fall for someone again..since I had this strong relationship with ...someone... I have promised that I' ll be a playboy for now one.. but I think this guy is gonna ruin me... Something justs gives me a strange feeling that I' m afraid to get to know.. Maybe I shpuld try as a playboy and we' ll see how it' s going.

From the moment he got in class I just kept staring... I stopped talking with Chanyeol and he looked where I was looking. Nooo don' t look at him... I want to be the only one that can have this view.

As the teacher told to take care of him I couldn' t resist anymore and I speaked.

"I will." I said maybe a little more excited than I wanted to be heard and he slowly took a quite look at me. cute :p

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