c h a p t e r e l e v e n

469 13 3

"She is my bestfriend, my
Human Diary, my other half."


r i l e y

I woke up with a frown on my face, I realized that it was
October 1st, and I couldnt talk to Farkle anymore...

It made me tear up, I mean, how could I not end a wonderful
day, without talking to the person who seriously made your life

I then remembered last night..
Farkle and I kissed, I actually felt like we were meant to be..
those sparks and all, it felt magical.

I then grabbed my phone, I didnt felt like I should go to school,
but ofcourse, if I dont go, my grades will drop.

I tapped on my bestfriend, Maya's, name, and called it.

"Hello?" She answered while yawning

I then just rolled my eyes at first "TODAY IS GOING TO BE

"Really wh— oh, that..." She said

"Yeahh" I said frowning

"Well meet me at school later, mkay?" She said as I heard her
chew food

"Mkay, ttyl" I said and ended the call

I sighed. Damn this is one hella of a day.


After I ate my breakfast, I checked my phone to see
if I received new texts or missed calls.

And so I did, it was from Farkle.

To: Riley
Yeah, about last night, did it mean anything
To you?

To: Riley
Im sorry for being weird but, I was just checking
Cause um..

To: Riley
Oh never mind, but why arent you asnwering though?
Are you busy? Well sorry for disturbing.

Oh how id like to text back to you Farkle, but for all I know,
Charlie always knows whats happening.


After eating my breakfast, I went to my closet to pick out an outfit,
I actually have nothing to wear, I really need to shop right now.

I then decided to go with a white over-all (shorts) matched with a floral
crop top and converse. I then grabbed my shoulder bag and went
straightly to school.

To: Riley
Hey want me to pick you up?
From: Maya

To: Maya
No thanks, already walking towards school
From: Riley

To: Riley
Oh okay, lets talk about that Farkle thingy later
From: Maya

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