7. airplanes in the night sky

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harry's pov

The car ride home was pure silence, it's as if my parents' constant yelling was more comfortable than their lack of arguing. I didn't want to think about my broken family, I didn't want to think about the way Gemma for once in her life wasn't energetic or how this is only the start of an ugly family split .

My phone buzzes in my lap and then I see that it's Louis.

Louis: How are your travels, baby?

Me: Awkward, I just want to see you again.

Louis: We can make plans as soon as we get back, we can do whatever you'd like.

Me: Let's go on a date, kind of like our first on the beach, but I want to plan it!

Louis: What do you have in mind?

Me: It's a surprise (; but can we get together tonight

Louis: Don't you think you should stay home?

Me: In a few weeks, what are the chances of that being my home? My parents will probably split up and we'll be forced to move out.

Louis: Okay then, tonight?

Me: After dark.

When we get home, I throw my suitcase on the bed and gather everything I need for tonight. I get a spare gym bag and stuff it with a white blanket and two blue pillows, I then head downstairs, seeing my parents sit down in the living room and discuss their separation. I grab a few snacks. I open one of the drawers to get my keys and then I see an envelope titled, "Cheshire Women's Center." Noticing they aren't paying attention, I open it to see ultrasounds with my mom's name labeled on it and one that said, "it's a girl," and for a split second my heart fluttered. For once, there was something in my family to look forward to, me and Gemma were about to be an older brother and sister.

I grabbed my keys and headed to Louis' apartment, Liam opened the door and escorted me inside. I have to say, whoever decorated the home has interior skills that I'm jealous of because their apartment looks like a mansion. There's granite counter tops, black vases and couches, the walls are a beautiful eggshell color and there are mahogany hardwood floors.

"Lou will be down in a minute, he's a bit nervous," Liam chuckled, leading me to the couch.

"Yeah, he thinks he won't dress to impress," Niall laughed. 

"But we went on dates while we were at the beach, I don't understand," I replied.

"He just kept saying, 'this date is different'," Niall said.

"Harry, it's so nice to see you, babe," Louis greeted, kissing my forehead. "Where are we going?" 

"I told you, it's a surprise!"

I didn't see why Louis looked so nervous, he was one of the most beautiful people I'd ever seen. That night he was wearing black skinny jeans, black vans and an olive green jean jacket with a white t-shirt underneath it, as for me I  wore an over sized red sweater and black jeans with red velvet boots.

"It's weird seeing you without your beach attire," Louis said as we got into my car. "You've got nice style."

"Well...you could say I have many different Styles," I joked as he rolled his eyes. 

"Harry Styles, a man of many quality outfits, not many quality jokes," he replied, "it seems I've already got the intro to the biography I'm working on," he added, sarcastically. I chuckled as he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, I pressed a kiss to his lips then smiled while looking away because I knew that my cheeks were already a bright red. 

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