Chapter 6

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"So apparently I'm in hospital." There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds before Marissa spoke again.

"Why does that not surprise me?" I acted offended and clutched my heart but it was just acting, I wasn't the troublemaker or the one who would get into accidents, although I was a little clumsy.

"What exactly are you trying to suggest?" I asked sweetly. The nurse grinned at me, getting my sarcastic tone.

Marissa sighed.

"When are you released?" I looked up at the nurse and she nodded, looking down at her clipboard for a moment.

"She'll be released whenever you can come and get her, just make sure she isn't near loud noises for a while, maybe a week." There was a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the phone.

"Oh. I'm not sure how that's going happen. Living in a house full of babies and 7 year olds isn't exactly quiet, Lily I'm not sure this is going to work and we don't have any foster homes open at the moment."

"I know. And I can't stay with any of the Dev cause he's sick. I don't know why." Marissa was silent for a while.

"I just don't know kiddo. We'll work something out, but if worse comes to worse we'll try to get the kids quiet." I lay back on the pillows.

"Yeah... I guess." I already knew it wasn't going to work. The kids were never going to be quiet even if it was just going to me.

The nurse took the phone off me and spoke to Marissa for a while, occasionally looking over at the boys and letting them talk. I wasn't listening, I was just thinking about what happened. Why did anyone think it was okay to speed around the corner? The driver probably saw me skateboarding to and just didn't stop. Ass.

I could feel my eyes slipping shut but before I could drift off completely I felt a hand on my shoulder, so I looked up at the hands owner. It was one of the boys and he said something to me, but my brain didn't process it, I just shook my head. He said it again.

"We've arranged for you to stay with us until your concussion is better, we figured it's the least we could do."

"You know I don't have a clue who you are right?" I said, bemused. Did I even want to stay with them? I get they had literally saved me from bleeding out but I didn't know who they were, I didn't even know their names. He grinned.

"Oops. I'm Rob, we're on vacation from different countries."

I nodded, looking at the rest of the boys. Blondie introduced himself as Lachlan, the boy wearing a red and black hoodie was Mitch, the boy with the rather large nose was Jerome and the last boy was Preston. I nodded again.

"I'm Lily, but you already knew that." I said, taking them in again. "I-

I was about to say something else when my phone started ringing. I glanced down at the screen and grinned, picking up immediately- it was Devon.

"Hellooooo Lily!!!-" Echoed in my ear. I mentally rolled my eyes but I was excited, I could actually tell him where I was because several dozen of the missed texts had been from him too.

"Hello to you to Devon. Wondering where I am?"

"No not at all." He said sarcastically. "Totally not wondering why you didn't reply to the 60 something texts I left you."

"I'm in hospital."

"Why?" He didn't sound worried.

"A car going at about twice the speed limit plus a skateboard. Pretty self-explanatory really."

"Oh-" He trailed off, a little distracted, and I could hear someone crashing around in the background of his call.

"Let me guess. Your sister is being an annoying?"

"Yep. No more is needed to be said." I rolled my eyes again. She was so predictable.

"Anyways I'll talk to yall later, I need to work out how I'm getting out of here and what I'm doing." I said all in one breath, listening to Devon and Hope (his sister) beginning to yell memes at each other on the other end of the phone.

With that I hung up on them, Devon didn't sound at all sick but if he said he was, he probably was as he wasn't one to make things up or tell lies. I threw the phone onto my bed.

"Anyway. Answers. Now." I paused. "Please."

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