Chapter 1

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 You know those mornings, when you wake up having received no sleep the night before? Your alarm clock goes off and when you get up, you’re just about ready to kill the world and everyone in it? Yep. This was definitely one of those mornings. I swung my legs over the side of my bed and groaned, looking at the calendar hanging next to my bed. “January 4th,” I read aloud. “The first day of my last semester in high school.” I stood up, already feeling a little brighter. High School was fun and all but I couldn’t wait to move out and go to college. I have a full ride scholarship to Pennsylvania State and I am going to be studying to become a kindergarten teacher. I love kids so I can’t wait.

I walked over to the other side of my fairly small bedroom and examined myself in the mirror. Just like every other morning, my natural Barbie blonde hair was sticking out in every direction. I sighed, running my fingers through it and eliminating the knots and tangles. I could already tell I was going to have to do a lot to it this morning in order to get it to behave. There’s one thing you should know about me. I absolutely hate doing my hair in the mornings. I usually end up burning myself due to my clumsiness and it’s a pain! Again, I looked in the mirror, this time taking note of my bright, almost electric, green eyes. I suddenly hear a dinging noise coming from my iPhone, telling me I have received a text message. I walk over to my dresser and pick up my phone, already knowing who it is from.


Aka the absolute perfect boyfriend. He is on the basketball team and unlike many cliché jocks, he’s really very smart. He’s also sweet, loving and a gentleman. John and I have been dating for exactly a year and three months and I love him with all of my heart.

Walking down the hallways at North East High School, you could always hear things like, ‘John and Lindsay are so cute together’ or ‘Did you hear John asked Lindsay to go to the Prom again this year?’ Every school had the “it” couple, the couple who had been dating forever and who are perfectly happy. Well, that was us.

John and Lindsay.

I smiles. Just the thought of him made me happy and also anxious to get to school. You see, I was away on vacation over Christmas break and I wasn’t able to see him. It was hard but at the same time, it was fun to be able to spend time with my parents. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Immediately, I was greeted by the delicious smell of sizzling bacon and eggs. I walked up behind my mother who was cooking and wrapped my arms around her.

“Good morning,” I said, greeting her with a kiss on the cheek. She turned around and smiled at me.

“I hope you’re hungry,” she said, turning back to the food. “Bacon and eggs for my high school senior,”

“Sounds great,” I replied, walking over to the table and sitting down next to my dad who, as always, was eating his daily bowl of Raisin Bran while drinking a pop. I stifled a giggle as I said, “Good morning, daddy.”

“Morning sweetheart,” he replied, not taking his eyes off of the daily paper laying next to his bowl. His head was tilted down and I could clearly see where he was losing his brown hair. I laughed and patted the thinning spot as he mock glared at me.

“Bon appetite,” my mom said proudly, setting the plate of steaming, hot food in front of me and smiling as I thanked her. Here’s another thing you should know about me. I am very close to my parents as you probably can tell. Most teenagers are embarrassed by their parents or can’t stand to talk to them but I am exactly the opposite. I am very proud of both my parents and I have great relationships with my mom and dad. My friends all love them and they get along great with John.

I couldn’t ask for a better life.


I pulled up to school in my emerald green Jeep and immediately spotted John talking to his friends over by the front entrance of the school. John is a fairly  popular guy so there is a small crowd surrounding him. As I walk over, he quickly dismissed himself and hurried over to me. I close the distance between us and lock my arms around his neck. John picks me up, spinning me around and giving me a sweet peck on the lips. “Hello,” I say, slightly breathless he sets me back down on the ground.

“Hey,” he replies, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the door. “I missed you.” With a smile, he turns back towards me and lifts my hand to his lips, kissing it gently.

“I missed you too,” I said sincerely. It was true. I had missed him…a lot actually. Walking into the building, you could smell the strong and very unpleasant mixture of girls wearing way too much Pink perfume and guys proudly flaunting their BO. I wrinkled my nose, trying to get used to the smell.

Taking this opportunity, I looked over at John and studied him, trying to see if his physical appearance had changed at all. His sandy blonde hair looked messy as always and his depp blue eyes still remained the same. You could almost see yourself in them; it was so easy to get lost in the pools of blue. You could make out the faint markings of dimples on his cheeks as he looks to be deep in thought. I bumped him with my hip gently, “What are you thinking about?” I asked, curious.

“What? Oh. Um, nothing,” John said quickly. He seemed nervous, worried almost. His expression reminded me of a little kid who had just been caught stealing a cookie from the jar. I nodded in response, not wanting to intrude but at the same time, kind of concerned.

“Alright, well this is my stop,” I said after a couple of moments spent in slightly uncomfortable silence as we stopped in front of my locker. John smiles at me, nods and then turns on his heel and walks away. I sigh and rest my head against the cold metal door. Something seems different with him and not necessarily a good different.

“Hey stranger,” a voice pipes up from behind me, breaking me out of my train of thought. I know that voice. Sam.

“Hey to you to,” I said, turning around and smiling at my best friend in the entire world…Sam Rogers. His beautiful golden eyes sparkle as he looks down at me and pulled me into a tight embrace.

“Missed you,” I mumbled into his chest.

“I missed you too,” Sam replies, releasing me from his hold and leaning against the row of lockers. “How was your vacation?”

“It was great! Florida was hot which was weird considering it was December,” I said, laughing at the memory of myself stepping off the plane, into the 70 degree weather and completely freaking out. Since I live in Minnesota, warm winters were not something I was familiar with.

Sam laughed along with me and then suddenly froze. His expression turned serious and his eyes bore holes into mine. He looks conflicted for a second but when he opening his mouth to speak

“Oh my god, Lindsay!” the voice of Taylor, my other best friend (I like to call her my best girl friend) called out. Her face appeared over Sam’s shoulder as she shoved him out of the way and gave me a huge hug. “Sorry lover boy. It’s Taylor time,” she said, laughing as she recited her usually greeting to Sam.

Sam just laughed again, rubbing his shoulder where Taylor shoved him. “Well, I guess I’ll let you guys catch up. Later Lindsay!” He said over his shoulder, already walking away. I looked over to Taylor and suddenly we both erupted in a giggle fit, thoughts of Sam filling our minds.

Well guys, this is edited and changed! Finally! I will be doing Chapter 2 and then writing some more but please let me know what you think of the changes I made! I love you all! Please comment, vote and fan! ;)

Oh! And dedicated to Brook-Ellen for making me my book cover!


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