Clothes...More Clothes.... AND MORE CLOTHES

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Misti's POV

I woke up to shuffling feet I looked around. I looked around. Nothing. I looked to my left and almost screamed. Then I seen the firey red ginger hair. Averiy. I slowly got out of bed and went to my bag. Ihad my clothes from yesterday washed in there. I pulled up some black skinny jeans they had holes in it. I sighed. I walked into Harry's room. "Harry can I borrow a shirt? I slept in my only one." I asked Harry awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. "Sure just get one." He replied pointing to the closet I walked in there and grabbed the first shirt I could find. Shoot it was a V-neck. "Erm Harry never mind it's a V-Neck and it's to big for me." I said thanking him then walking into Liam's room. "Liam can I borrow a pliad shirt?" I asked him he nodded so I grabbed one and walked into my room. I pulled on the shirt and buttoned it up. It was baggy but just right. I ran back into my room then remebered. I need shoes. I ran into Lou's room and asked for a pair of VANS he gave me the smallest pair and they happened to be black. I slipped them on and woke Averiy up. "Averiy, it's time to get up get up!" I whispered-yelled in her ear. "Okee-Dokee!" She yawned and rolled over then looked at me. "Mist, is everything going to be okay. What if they send us back?" She questioned with her lime green eyes full of sorrow and hurtness. "They won't I promise." I said hugging her. I picked her up and carried her to her room. I swear she's the size of a one year old. 

Liam's POV

Misti and Averiy. Averiy and Misti. How can we do it? That's right! SHOPPPING! "Lads, get dressed we are going shopping!" I yelled running into each of the lads room. Then back into mine I changed.


When we where in the room I heard Liam yell about how we are going shopping I groaned and Averiy jumped up and down. I hated shopping but Averiy? Nope! I walked to her bag and pulled out a pair of white tights, a black tank top, a leather jacket, a beanie and some UGGs. Yes her parents were rich. She got to bring everything she owned which wasn't much but still. I shut the door and walked towards her. She's six I know but she's like a one year old. In size and acts like one! She was the youngest there so. I helped her change her from her pajamas to her day clothes and slipped her beanie, UGGs and jacket on. We walked down stairs. "You ready girls?" Harry said like a white girl "Yeap!" Averiy said in an American accent although she has a Austrailian, British and Irish all together. They nodded and we walked out. I climbed in the back seat. I noticeed Louis was not in here. "Where's Louis?" I asked "Right Here!" He yelled climbing in with a bag. "What's dat?" Averiy asked him. "Well Averiy you have a laptop and a Ipad." He said to her handing her a a IPad Air Pro Mini and a Small MacBook Air Pro (I don't know for sure if that's how the IPad is called just go with it! c;) Mly heart sunk as he crumbled up the bag and tossed it in the trash. He forgot about me. Averiy climbed over me leaving me by the wall and started playing on her IPad with Louis and everyone in the car except for Liam and Zayn who were in the front. I laid my head on the window and hummed sliently to 'Little Things' by my lads. I quickly fell asleep to the soft tune. 


 Louis' POV

I keep seeing Liam and Zayn look back here. I eventually got tired after two seconds and looked where they were Misti was humming Little Things and on my solo then drifted off to the soft humming tune. I don't know why though. Then it hit me. I feel horrible I totally forgot about Misti. I got her zero electronics. I bet Harry and Niall feel the same. 


I heard soft humming I looked at Misti and felt horrible. The only people who've realized she's alive and here is Zayn and Liam. I honestly hope Niall and Louis feel the same. It's horrible I mean putting a thirteen year old girl in a depressed state? 

Niall's POV **TWO MINUTES BEFORE** (Your gonna hate me...)

I seen Louis and Harry looking some where and a long with Liam and Zayn. I wonder what they are looking at I mean it's not like there is any one else in the SUV at the time. I looked the way they were and there was a sad looking Misti humming Louis' part of Little Things drifting off to sleep. I fell horrible. I mean a thirteen year old girl and not notice her exitence because I am playing with a six year old the size of a one year old? Pitiful! I grabbed head in my hands and sighed. I hope Louis and Harry fell the same. 


Misti's POV

We are currently on our way home. Zayn and Liam took me shopping while the other three? Forgot about me yet again! I wanna cry. "We have to meet Simon at our house. Now!" Liam said and we all piled out off the car and into the house. I grabbed my only bags eleven. Three bags of skinny jeans filled to the top, three bags full of shirts filled to the top, one bag full of beanies filled to the top, one bag full of hair products and make up, two ginormous bags (that could hold two Liams) full of shoe boxes of shoes, and one last bag full of electronics. I had a MacBook Pro, IPad Pro, IPhone 5S, Hair dryer, Hair straightner, Hair curler, and a flat ironer. (Works better than a hair straightner in Merica!) I looked to Harry, Niall, Louis, and Averiy carring over thirty bags I nealed my head down and walked upstairs carrying my bags by my self. I walked into my room locking the door. I then walked into my closet and put my clothes up and walked out I went into the bathroom and I placed my hair electronics in the draw for them I then put my make up and hair products up after the electronics. I re sitchuwaited the shampoo's and condititioner's. I walked out and went to my desk I put everything where they went and set up everything. I logged into everything I had created and made a YouTube. I started to watch danisnotonfire, amazingphil, troyesivan, and tyleroakly.


"I'M ADDICTED AND I WANT MOREEEE!" I yelled then got hungry. I walked around the corner. "So pick one child the other goes back." Simon said I crouched and leaned up against the wall listening carefully "Now which one I will sit and watch you five choose now."  He added I could only hear the murmur of the lads. 


After ten minutes of listing to the lads murmur and Simon tap his fingers in a rythem against the table I got tired but forced my self to listen. I knew they would choose me I mean three out of five most of the times don't even know that I am alive, breathing, here or around them they always choose Averiy over me. They will once again. I sighed mentally in my head and waited for a reply. "So lads it's beem ten minutes who's it gonna be?" Simon asked a little unpaicentence in his voice. I take it as if he want's this over with. "No matter what tomorrow at nine o' clock in the morning you will bring her back. "We choose......."

OMFG! Who do you think it will be? I know that you'd probaly hate me because of what I made Niall think. I wanna know your opions!!! Vote. Comment. Read. Fan. 

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