It's Beginning to look a lot like HALLOWEEN

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October is in a few days and you know what that means

G O R E T O B E R!!!!

Here's my list (off the top of my head)
1. Poltergeist
2. Knives
3. Surgery/Stitches
4. Pastel
5. Zombie/undead
6. Blood
7. Neck
8. Scars
9. Vomit
10. Disease
11. Eyes
12. Mouth
13. Organs/Gut spill
14. Monster form
15. Decay/ Rotting
16. Bondage/tied up
17. Acid
18. Hands
19. Multiple body parts
20. Amputation
21. Anonymous
22. Plant growth
23. Corruption
24. Candy
25. Green
26. Skewered
27. Witch
28. Scissors
29. Sacrifice 
30. Dead creature
31. Full-on Gore

You can use this as reference too if you want to participate but you don't have to!I'm gonna be doing it this year in my gore book so go check that out ;v

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