Part Five-Initiation 3

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Sarah started to feel bad.

Tim saw Markham Mansion.

"It's goth looking. The legend has it that every Halloween, teenagers would use a devil's fork to ward off the demons that lived inside the haunted place. Here are six of the forks". Sarah grabbed one of them; Tim held one of them in his right hand.

"What about Natalie?", Sarah asked.

"She has the sorority to look after", Tim answered.

"I figured that", Sarah smirked.

"Look, I...", Tim blushed.

"You were going to spend Halloween alone in that house, right. And you thought no one would find you", she said.

"No one cared. My parents don't care about me". Tim kissed her. Sarah held his right hand. She looked at the front door of Markham Mansion.

"I'm an initiate", Sarah stated.

"I know that. You can go to another creepy place. The cemetery". Dogs howled at the moon; vampire children were gliding along the path; zombie teenagers walked slowly up the cobbled road, yelling: "Brains! Brains!"; four teenagers dressed as Frankenstein's monster walked slowly; fraternity brothers and sorority sisters were dressed as werewolves.

"Everyone's having a good time", Natalie said.

She smiled at them.

"Yeah, and you're here to keep the peace", Sarah said.

"Of course. A lot of teenagers are scared at Halloween". She applied red lipstick on her lips. She was dressed as a demon; she looked scary.

"Jesus!", Tim said.

"Hell hath like a demon scorned", Sarah said.

"Yeah, right!", Natalie said.

And they walked up the stone steps...and headed to the front door.

And went inside.


The lights illuminated the dim hallway.

"Wait! Everyone is about to be in Markham Mansion will be here, eager to be scared at midnight; everyone is here to see out the long night of Halloween".

"So, what's going on?", Tim asked.

"We're here because all of the teenagers are scared of Greg Markham", Natalie answered. Sarah blinked her eyes in confusion.

Suddenly there was a knock at the front door. A sixteen year old girl smiled at them.

"Happy Halloween. I'm Amber-Lee Markham".

"Natalie. And this is Sarah. And Tim".

"Oh, Amber. I thought that you were away in Louisiana".

"I transferred to Halloween Town this year. Mom and Dad paid for my education for the next decade".

"Please come in", Sarah said.

"Gladly", Amber-Lee said.

And she glided down the hallway, as the other three teenagers followed her inside.


Amber-Lee looked at the black coffins.

"Vampires are so old in the post 'Twilight'  frenzy. It's my idea to scare the hell out of people at midnight by having an initiation ceremony to raise the dead. I'm a goth, you know". She smiled; she took her time to open the coffins.

When she saw several teenagers dressed in black clothes, she uttered: "GET OUT OF THEM!",. Amber-Lee yelled.

"But it's part of the pranks, Amber", John Kaine said.

"I know, John. You always are the fraternity head trouble maker".

"I didn't expect you to be here, Amber-Lee", John said.

"Obviously our long-term Facebook relationship died when you went away", Amber-Lee said.

"I was forced to go away to Mississippi thanks to my parents. This is my first Halloween to have fun in ages since I came here. Mom and Dad are itching to work at school".

"Yeah, so, now you're dead as a vampire".

"I am a vampire".

"Really", Amber-Lee said.

And John nodded, as his friends got out of the black coffins.


Amber-Lee grabbed a black candle in her right hand.

She opened the left door.

"This is the ritual room. Every Halloween, if a sorority sister fails to complete her ritual, she is banned from Markham Mansion for a year; if a fraternity brother fails his task, then he is banished from Markham Mansion for a year, too".

In the spacious room was a huge pentagram.

Thirty black candles surrounded the area.

"And now everyone can wear black hoods. They're in the closet". Sarah, Tim, John, and Amber-Lee, got dressed in the costumes.

And was prepared for the ritual of all rituals on Halloween.


"Halloween time. Halloween time. It is a time of sacrifice. In the eternal blackness we pray. We all prey. And, in the end, we all strive to scare everyone. And on October 31, when the darkness comes, death is here to stay".


"How poetic", Sarah said.

"Yes, it is", John said.

"And now you're here to...", Amber-Lee was about to speak when there was a banging on the windows.

"Obviously the dead are here", Sarah stated.

And they sighed, as the ritual was over.


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