The Meeting

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Naruto's Pov

It was midday and I was running down the streets of Konohagakure. There was another mob of villagers after me. As I'm running I can hear their shouts of, "Demon Fox!", "We should finish what the Fourth started!", and "I need to avenge my ______!".It's always like this. I was running until I turned a corner into an alleyway but it was a dead end.

'No no no no no.This isn't good!'I thought shaking my head. I turned around to see that they had caught up to me. I was frozen with fear. As they approached me they shouted.

"Kill the Demon!"

Then they pounced. I just lay there as they beat me. I kept crying out for help, for someone, anyone to help me but no one comes. I kept thinking.

'Why?What did I ever do wrong?I'm just a kid!Why do they all hate me?Why do they do this to me!Why!?'

It felt like hours but they have finally left. It hurts to much to move. But for some reason I always heal quickly. I close my eyes and let the world of unconsciousness devour me.

When I wake up again my body is still sore but all my cuts and bruises are gone. I look up and notice that it's around midnight. I quickly - and painfully - get up and head to the one place that calms me down.

The Hokage Mountain.


Sakura's Pov.

I was cowering in a corner of my room. I heard my door slam open and jumped slightly as I see the hunched over form of my father. He makes his way over to me and grabs me by my neck before slamming me into the wall and saying.

"You worthless bitch! You should be dead! You're a murderer! You killed your mother! My wife! I should end you now, you worthless slut! I will avenge my wife tonight!"

At the end of what he was saying, he dropped me on the ground and started beating me brutally. He was using all sorts of weapons. Kunai, shuriken, spiked belts, and even whips. After a few hours I realized how close to death I truly was and then something he said came to the point of my focus.

"I will avenge my wife tonight!"

He threw me across the room; right next to my open window. I slowly got up and climbed on my windowsill. I jumped down on the other side and slowly stumbled through the streets to the hospital. When I got there they treated me quickly before letting me out. It had taken a few hours and it was now midnight.

I realize that I can't head back 'home' because 'he' will probably be there to finish off what he started earlier. With my decision in mind I head to the one place that frees me from my troubles.

The Hokage Mountain.


Sasuke's Pov.

I was sitting on the roof of my old house. I had just returned from telling the Hokage what had just taken place - The Uchiha Clan Massacre. Tears slipped down my face just remembering it. My brother, my idol, my most cherished person in the world had just murdered my entire clan. I silently sobbed to myself as I remembered what he had said.

"You are not even worth killing. Hate me, loathe me, feed off of your hatred and come kill me when you share the same eyes."

I remembered all the blood, the bodies, the children with their faces forever frozen in one of pure horror. I couldn't help the cries that left my mouth when I remembered the last scene before Itachi had left. My parents lying at his feet in a bloody pile as his sword glimmers in the moonlight. The sound of the Crimson blood on his blade dripping on the ground. I quickly stop that chain of memories and look at the moonlight above me. I quickly slip off the roof and head towards the one place that can distract me from my current line of depressing thoughts.

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