five: he's literally the spawn of Satan

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in the span of a very short time, Chelsea had learnt that Alex was actually an insightful, intelligent and, most importantly, really nice friend to be around.

she learnt that Alex loved the same books as her, she also did pretty good in class and her full name was actually Alexis, but she preferred Alex for reasons she was yet to tell Chelsea.

she had also learnt that Alex was very headstrong and confident, something she had always admired about people.

and honestly, Chelsea didn't think she could have asked for a better friend.

it had been less than a week into their friendship and they were already getting along like a house on fire—they had all kinds of deep conversations, and Alex even told Chelsea the reason she had moved schools in the first place.

apparently, Alex's last school wasn't so great either. it was a private school, and the girls there didn't seem to like Alex at all—which Chelsea couldn't even begin to understand, because Alex was so flawless, inside and out—it all got out of hand, and Alex couldn't take it. she was so miserable that she had to move in order to begin to feel better. but, Alex told Chelsea that she was much happier here already, and that made Chelsea happy, too.

it made her happy that she could finally make someone else happy.

it was lunch time, something Chelsea had been waiting all day for. she and Alex were headed outside when her mind wandered to the boy at the cafe.

she remembered their last interaction. the second time. what were the chances of running into the same boy twice? it might have been pretty high, actually, considering it was at the same place, but it had still stunned her. Chelsea had planned to go back there this afternoon—would he be there? how often did he go? there were so many questions that Chelsea may never get answered. they do hate each other, after all.

"Chelsea." her thoughts were interrupted by Alex, who had a confused look on her face, directed towards her new best friend.

"oh, sorry, i was just thinking. continue." Chelsea dismissed her thoughts.

"no, it's cool, it was just me complaining about the school toilets. what are you doing today?" Alex chose to direct the conversation towards Chelsea instead, and Chelsea thought that Alex was just too kind for her own good.

"i don't know, i'm probably going to this cafe near my house. i'll probably read there." Chelsea thought about the book she'd been reading last time she was at the cafe, and how eager she was to continue reading it.

"oh, cool! are you going with anyone?" Alex questioned further, and Chelsea thought of the boy with a devilish smirk that she only knew as some doofus.

"well, no, there's always this boy there though. we argue every time we see each other, though."

"what? how many times have you talked to him?" Alex questioned, brushing back a piece of silky, long hair from her perfectly framed face. Chelsea still envied her as much as the day they'd first met, that's for sure.

"uh—twice." Chelsea answered her, feeling kind of stupid when Alex let out a small laugh. "oh my god! that's so cute."

Chelsea wrinkled her nose in disgust. she didn't think it was very cute at all, but more so annoying. "no, trust me, it is not cute. he's literally the spawn of Satan, or something."

"well, then why do you keep going to the cafe is he's 'the spawn of Satan'?" Alex had a valid point—a very valid point.

"because! i like to read there, it's nice. he's not worth me not going to that cafe, the place is like heaven..minus him." Chelsea spoke fast, defending herself.

CONSTANT HEADACHE ; EZRA MILLERWhere stories live. Discover now