Truth about Karen

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"What do you want?" I asked rudely. I was sat outside trying to have lunch. It's been two weeks since i went to Lukes and he's avoided me like the plague. Well we still have to sit together in class but that's it.

I looked up at Karen who was stood over me. "Well?" Sue me i'm cranky. She sighed and sat in front of me. "My mother had an affair" She sighed, i frowned "And my real father is just like you" This got my attention "Daniel i need your help. Your sister already suspects and i don't know who else to go to" "What can i do?" I asked "Help me learn about what i am, please. These extra senses are killing me, my parents are seriously gross" She grimaced and i couldn't help but laugh making Karen smile. "So why are you asking for my help and not my sisters?" I asked, Karen shrugged.

"Your sister would know what we are going through but sometimes it's nice to talk to someone who is going through the same" I sighed, rubbing my hand over my face.

"Tell me" I ordered. She shot me a grateful smile "My hearing is better, and my sense of smell. Though they keep getting better. I'm not sure how this is supposed to work or what to expect, to be honest i'm scared. Up until recently vampires didn't exist" "Ok, ok i get it. But how did you find out."

"My real father has been watching me all my life, i have no idea how he knew mum was pregnant. He managed to contact me while we were on holiday" She chuckled humorlessly "That was an interesting conversation" "Is he still around?" She nodded "I've agreed to go away to college somewhere so that he can help me through the final transition" I nodded at this. "Yeah i've heard it's not the best thing to go through" Karen laughed "Tim said it's different for everyone, i was conceived during his" "Huh?" My face must have looked confused. "At his eighteenth party, he had it a day early so that no one would be around when he changed. Only it didn't work, he changed during the party. Mum and dad were staying over so that dad could have a drink. Mum got up to get a glass of water and when she came back up she heard a noise coming from his room. She decided to see if he was alright, silly woman. He was going through the blood bags in the fridge when she entered and he reacted. Naturally when he bit her she reacted. They had sex that night" Well that was different, i had never heard of that one before. But then again we tend to avoid humans during the transition.

"I guess it's different for everyone" I mumbled. The bell rang signalling lunch was over and i looked over at Karen. "Friends?" I asked extending my hand, Karen gave me a wide smile and took my hand "Friends" She agreed.


I was glad to get out of class, we had given our presentation and had now been given another assignment. I had to learn what sort of person Daniel is, likes, dislikes, hobbies ect, ect.

"Damn dude, has Mrs Lampard got it out for you or what?" Lee laughed and i laughed with him. "What you on about? I got it easy. He's a loser, a faggot with a sister. Easy project done" I turned round only to be slapped around the face. Once i recovered i was faced with a furious looking Amber. "You bastard" She hissed "Danny has done nothing but nice to you, yet you and your cowardly bunch of pathetic friends can't just leave him alone. How can you even think that there is anything right with your behaviour. You're pathetic Luke Wade, you and your yellow bellied losers" With that she spun round and walked away, it was only then i realised Daniel was there, he was crying and Karen had her arms around him. This made me angry, why was her arms around him? I also felt mad at myself, it was my fault he was hurt. Karen shook her head at me. "Come on Danny, lets go" She said pulling him away. His eyes were fixed on me and i felt my heart ache before he turned and let her pull him away.

"What the hell was that about?" Lee asked "And what the hell was Karen doing with him? She want to lose her rep or something?" I didn't say anything as i stared at the place where he once stood.

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