Chapter 12

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A/N Hi again it me guys back with another chapter I'm writing it quickly before doing all my homework so there probably will be spelling mistakes. Anyway lets go :)

Jodie's POV

I woke up lay beside Simon who was still asleep he had his arms both wrapped tightly around my waist, this made me smile I felt so safe in his arms but I also remembered I had a date to get ready for. I looked at the clock next to Simons bed it was currently half 1 in the afternoon and I had to shower and edit a video before going anywhere. I gently managed to move his arms and get out his grip with great difficulty. I kissed him on the cheek before leaving and proceeding to my room, once I was in my room I put my phone on charge and grabbed a quick shower, once I came out the shower I put on joggies and a white crop top with my hair in a towel while I edited the Cards Against Humanity video from last night. I was belting out Hold me down by Halsey while I edited. Once I finished I uploaded the video and decided to go look at what I was going to wear for tonight before drying my hair. I picked out black high waisted ripped jeans with a nice flowy white top (Media, it's actually a picture of me but I have chopped my head off lol) with just plain black flat shoes nothing too fancy. I decided that I would get Patsy to do my make up and ask Melissa for hairstyle tips once I dried my hair. As I was drying my hair I felt someone cover my eyes from behind I laughed before turning to see a very happy looking JJ. 'You seem happy JJ what's got you so hyped?' I laughed brushing my hair then throwing it behind me. 'Oh I heard a certain person said yes to a date with a certain Simon' he smiled brightly after saying, I blushed a little and looked down. 'Yo I am so hyped for both of you! I always said yous would date.' 'JJ we aren't dating yet this is just a date taking things slowly y'know'. 'Yeah yeah Jodie' he laughed and walked out my room. I went down to the kitchen once I finished drying my hair looking for Patsy and Melissa. I found Melissa in the kitchen with Josh. 'Hey Melissa could you come help me wih something?' I smiled asking her and I noticed josh smirk clearly he knew about the date. 'Yeah sure soz Josh duty calls' she laughed before hugging him and coming with me. 'Sorry were you busy with Josh?' I asked feeling guilty if she was. 'Nah we were just talking whats up anyway?'. 'Well I sort of have a date tonight and I was wondering if you had any hairstyle ideas, also where is Patsy do you know?'. 'Yeah I have a few hairstyle ideas and Patsy is in the living room with Vikk and Simon and OMG wait its for a date!!' She said practically screaming the last part at me making me laugh before going to the living room to get Patsy. 'Hey Patsy could you come help me with something?' I asked her smiling at Vikk and Simon before looking at Patsy who just nodded and came out the living room with me. 'Let me guess Jodie, hmm date with Simon.. Make up?' I laughed because she knew exactly what it was I needed, me Melissa and Patsy all headed up to my room to start planning an outfit.

We had decided I would wear my hair with curls like beach waves (Media, this is also a picture of my hair) and Patsy done subtle but nice make-up. I wan't leaving for another 45 minutes so I decided to just sit and walk with Patsy and Melissa. 'So you nervous?' Patsy asked me. 'Sort of I mean I've never been out with Simon alone someone has always been there what if I go awkward, I do that a lot and never know what to say.' I said nervously. 'Then ask him something dumb like do you like cheese?' Melissa laughed making us all laugh with her. 'I'm proud Jodie your going on a date' Patsy smiled and hugged me, Melissa also hugged me. I may have only known Melissa for a few days but she's already became like a sister to me. 'Thanks guys for helping me and Melissa your next' I smiled at her knowing who I was getting her on a date with. 'Wait what have I missed?' Patsy asked noticing Melissa blush and me smirking at her. 'Oh I mmay lliike Freezy' melissa stuttered over her words. 'Yo thats so cute! Yeah your totally next on the date list' Patsy said, there was a quiet knock at my door. '2 minutes' I said before tidying away my make up and stuff before telling them to enter. Simon walked in and he looked so good. He was wearing a white shirt with black skinny jeans and black Adidas hightops. 'You ready?' he smiled. 'Yeah just let me grab my phone and bag' I said taking my phone off charge and putting it in my back along with my purse and heading downstairs with Simon, Patsy and Melissa. I grabbed my jacket before Simon shouted out to everyone else that we were leaving. 'Guys we are off' he said. 'Have fun' Josh shouted. 'Use protection' JJ shouted making everyone laugh.

We were in Simon's car driving to I don't even know where and it was silent but it wasn't awkward it was comfortable. 'So now am I aloud to know where we are going?' I asked looking at him. I saw him smile before he answered, god his smile is amazing. 'Well it starts with an N' he said and I guessed straight away we were going to Nandos. 'It's not just Nando's by the way Jodie we are also going to see a movie and then I'm taking you somewhere else.' he said still looking ahead, I was glad he was a focused driver because I didn't really like being in cars much after my accident. 'Erm okay should I be worried about where your taking me after?' I asked making him laugh 'No no Jodie never' he said. We arrived at Nando's and had ordered our food before our food came Manny came up behind Simon. 'Sup bro' Manny smiled and then looked at me 'Hey Jodie' he said to me 'Hi Manny' I smiled. 'Sup mate' Simon said we talked to Manny a bit while waiting on our food he was telling us about his day he had been filming a football video and ended up his friend he was with was in a fight with some other guy and it sounded pretty bad and stressful. 'Well I'll leave you guys to your date ciao' Manny smiled we both waved bye to him, just as out food arrived. While me and Simon were eating we just talked about random things like series we had watched on Netflix and other stuff. 'So what got you into dancing anyway Jodie?' he asked curious, I always loved to talk about my dancing life as it was a positive part of my life for the while I done it. 'I started dancing when I was about 3, I used to love to sing as well but when it came to like primary 6 singing dancing while being at school made it hard to find free time so I gave up singing. I then started to compete when I was like 12 in dancing comps. Basically I've just loved dancing my whole life. The way you can convey a story or emotion through movement has always attracted me to it' I smiled at him and he returned it, I actually don't think I have stopped smiling yet. After food we went to the cinema and saw Sausage Party which was a comedy.

The film was funny and I really enjoyed it as did Simon, I mean the date was going well he hasn't let go of my hand for like the past hour but we were heading back to his car because we were going to Simon's mystery place. I honestly didn't know where he was driving too it was like 12am and dark outside so I couldn't see much either. After about 20 minutes we stopped and Simon got out the car as did I. I could hear the sea, wait has Simon taken us to the beach? 'Simon are we at the beach?' I asked walking over to him. 'Yeah its one of my favorite places to visit at night' he smiled taking my hand and leading me onto the beach. It was so romantic we walked along the beach just talking and getting to know each other more. It was about half 2 but me and Simon didn't care we were currently sitting on some rocks just talking. 'Jodie can I ask you something, you can answer if you want to or feel ready too' he said facing me. 'Yeah sure go for it'. 'What were your family like?' I don't know what it was about the question that made me smile, I guess its because people never ever show an interest on what my family were like when they were here, they just cared about how they died. 'They were nice all of them were really nice people, me and my sister used to always run around when we were younger and were stuck to each others side. She didn't look like me though she was more like my dad and I am more like my mum. My mum and dad always loved to watch me dance they said it was their most favorite thing along with looking at my sisters drawings, she was really talented' I smiled feeling one tear roll down my cheek at those memories of them. 'They sound like lovely people and your lucky to have had them in your life' Simon smiled at me before pulling me closer to him. We sat in silence for 5 minutes just enjoying the sound of the sea, Simon stood up and took my hands in his, before I could say anything he kissed me. It was a really passionate kiss, I felt him wrap his arms around my wait pulling me closer to him and I wrapped mines around his neck, we broke the kiss and stood hugging for what felt like forever. We finally broke away and looked at each other. 'Jodie I have liked you for so long and tonight has been so fun, I have really enjoyed hanging out with you.' he said to me never taking his eyes away from mines. 'Simon I have liked you for so long as well and tonight spending this time with you has made me realize I have fallen so fucking hard for you' before I could say anything else he cut me off with another quick kiss. 'Jodie will you be my girlfriend?' he asked me. I couldn't believe it Simon Minter just asked me out? 'yes' was all I could reply. We kissed once more before hugging and then walking to his car. 'Oh I forgot to mention Jodie, you look so fucking hot tonight' I laughed at his compliment 'You don't look half bad yourself Minter' I smiled before getting into his car with him and heading home.

A/N Ahh!! MiniTap is real! Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter I loved writing it :) See Yaa

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