Chapter 2: Flashback

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Thought I'd do a warning. There's cursing.. sorry if that offends you haha


I can remember the day it happened so clearly. It was lunch and me and my group of friends were sitting at our table as always. I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was a total bitch back then. We were all gossiping, lads and girls alike and I was called to the office. It was for our school project and I had make a short film. It was the only thing I actually did in school so don't ask me how I did so well in my GCSEs. I can remember the lads cat calling at my way to short skirt but sure I thought I was the best thing since Elvis so I took it all in my stride. I was told to wait in the music room to get my results. I was about to go in when I heard a voice singing inside the room.

I had only opened the door and peeked around the corner. There was a boy there with his back turned to me. I couldn't tell who it was but my stone heart was melting. How could someone I don't even know make me feel like this?? I stood there gazing into space until I realised the music had stopped. I walked into the room fully now and the boy turned. I shrieked.

LEWIS MAXWELL THE GEEKIEST GUY IN SCHOOL MADE ME FEEL LIKE THIS?? He looked at me curiously. "Sorry I didn't realise you were there" he said smiling showing off his braces. I turned up my nose at him. "He stepped towards me. "You liked it?" He asked his smile fading but his look was firm. I stuttered. "I... I don't know know what to think" I was distracted by his eyes. I didn't realise someone's eyes could be so... He was moving towards me and I couldn't help but lean in. When our lips touched I realised what i was doing. "HELL TO THE FUCKING NO" I shouted and leapt away. He stared at me in shock. "But..." he looked at me imploringly but I forced myself to look away. "If you ever say this to anyone ever again I will spread the most horrible rumours in the world and you will regret the day you were born." I spat and walked out the room.

I bumped into the teacher outside the door who gave me my results in a confidential meeting in her office and she kept talking for the whole remainder of break. When I finally got out it was music class so I wandered back into the class and sat down. "I have made an assigned seating list today class" the teacher said and I moaned. I looked at Shauna next to me. "Well this is shit" I sighed and waited. I was put next to a girl called Alesha and I was not happy about it. She was the girl who was so intent on her studies and all that. As soon as I sat down, Shauna got put with non other then Lewis Maxwell. My heart started beating. Ye wouldn't.. tell would he? I turned away and started seeing how many pieces of paper I could fit in Aleshas greasy hair before she noticed.

After school finished, myself Shauna and her boyfriend were going out for lunch. I was third wheeling because. Well. I didn't have a boyfriend. And apparently he was gonna ask Shauna to prom and he wanted me to be the camera woman. Typical.

I was setting up the camera in the corner when that girl Alesha came up to me. "You kissed Lewis?" My heart stopped.
Oh Lewis Maxwell. You had it coming

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