The game we play

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'Ok, what now princess?' Karai said as she looked at April with a blank expression.

'Princess?' April blushed a little at having heard the name.

'Yeah, cause you're, ya know, all girly and whatever. Like a princess. Plus, you're very pretty, also like a princess.' Karai stated without much thought. She had always associated the redhead with a princess. The feminine curves; the pink in her room; the fact that she had almost everything Karai wished that she had.

Wow, that turned really depressing. This is going to be really awkward...

The truth was, Karai had never been to a sleepover. Or had one, she didn't have a clue on what to do. The only reason she agreed to this was because it was April who asked. If it had been anyone else, Karai wouldn't have even given them a second glance. Personally, she thought that a sleepover was boring and girly. It all equated to braiding each others hair; playing silly games and giggling too much. She had absolutely no idea how this night would end. 'Hmmmm.... I think we should start with a game, how about truth or dare?' April answered, her voice slightly muffled with the amount of gummy worms she had stuffed in her mouth. She quickly swallowed and looked at Karai.

'Truth or dare?' What the heck is truth or dare, I have never heard of that in my entire life. Karai now dawned on her a look of confusion as she tried to sort through her memories for anything relating to truth or dare.

'WHAT!' April all but screamed, she was acting like this was something everyone needed to do before they die. 'You've really never played truth or dare?' April said in a much softer voice than before.

'No, I never really got to play games like this. Kinda just had to learn to fight to get revenge on the turtles and Splinter. It was like fun never really existed for me.' The words carried regret and annoyance with every syllable.

'Well, I'd better make your first time special.' As soon as those words left Aprils mouth she regret it. It was far too soon to be making implications like that. She desperately hoped that Karai did not pick up on the little inclination. However Aprils pleas were not answered when Karai sat on the bed with wide eyes, her mouth agape with shock.

Oh, SHIT! This is awkward.......quick! Do something you idiot!

'Uh, I meant your first time playing truth or dare. we just get on with the game. Please? Oh, gosh.' April felt like she could just melt into a puddle and disappear into the gutters. Her palm covered her face, that had gone immensely red.

However, Karai was 10x worse.

Her body was rigid, like a sharp knife had pierced her. Her face stoic and expression unreadable. She shifted uncomfortably with eyes transfixed on the floor. Fingers stiff and resting on her lap, closely encased in one another.

Calm down Karai! S-she didn't mean to say that, right? It was an accident. Just get on with the game and act like nothing happened.

'So how do we play?' Asked Karai a little embarrassed that she had to ask how to play this game.

April breathed a sigh of relief softly enough that no-one but her could hear it. ' Well, one person has to ask the other truth or dare. If they pick dare they have to do anything the other person asks them to do.'

Karai sat on the bed intently listening on the rules of the game. Do anything? Sounds easy enough.

'If the person picks truth, the other can ask any question and it has to be answered truthfully. You got it?' April asked in a rather friendly tone. She waited patiently for Karai's reply.

TRUTH?! What if she asks if I have a crush? What if she asks if I've killed anyone? What would she think of me after I've given my answer?

'Yep. Got it. I'll go first then. Is that OK?'


Karai sat thinking of what she would ask if given each answer. She silently prayed that April would pick dare because she certainly didn't have any questions to ask if she picked truth.

So Karai decided to stop thinking and ask the inevitable question.

'Truth or dare?....'

A/N: This is a really crappy chapter. I promise the next one will be better. I am really sorry I haven't updated in months. And these are the reasons why:

1. I had a lot of work to do.

2. I had to update my other story.

3. I am a procrastinator, deal with it.

Also I kind of only started this story for fun and has no idea it would get any attention whatsoever. THANK YOU! To all that have read, commented on, voted for my story. It means quite a lot to me that I can actually make people happy with my writing. Thestral out!

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