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" I sniff and wipe the tears off my face only to have more quickly roll down my cheeks and I notice the hand that is being offered to me."

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Having someone watching me cry is really embarrassing and uncomfortable so I quickly dry them once again hoping that whoever is standing besides me doesn't make fun of me and call me girly boy or whatever. He still has his hand reaching down for me so I look up to see a familiar friend. " Taehyung hyung~" I mutter silently feeling relieve it's someone I know. He smiles kindly and I take his hand to help me up.

" What are you doing here crying Yoongi?" He asks me as I look down in shame because I couldn't control my stupid self from overreacting.

" It is nothing Taehyung.." I say rather sadly trying my hardest to not break down in front of him again. He might be already thinking of me as weak and pathetic.

" Well no one cries because of nothing Yoongi. There must be a reason." He holds both of my wrist gently preventing me from drying my tears. He seems a little too close to me but I don't mind it. After all maybe this is how friends act with each other, like Namjoon holds my hands when walking.

" I..." I bite my lip and look away feeling small and embarrassed under his gaze at me.

" It's okay if you don't want to tell me. Just don't cry okay? Class is about to start, I'll buy you something at lunch time." He wipes away my tears gently making me feel safe under his touch. I'm glad Taehyung hyung is my friend.

" O-okay.." I breathe out violently.

" Follow me." He grins and escorts me to our class. Upon my arrival there I sit next to him trying to calmly take out my belongings to start class. I don't even know what to do with Namjoon hyung now... I don't quite feel like seeing him today which will be really hard because I love him. It hurts me inside that I don't want to see him but then it also hurts to talk to him because he... I don't really understand what's wrong with me. I guess I just don't like the idea of there being someone else for Namjoon hyung...

" Why so sad Yoongi?" Taehyung  asks with concern in his face expression. His eyes carefully examine me making me feel uncomfortable under his gaze. I feel like I'm being judge, like a bug under his microscope but at the same time it also feels like that's not the case.

" Well...." I try to speak without sounding whiny. " I don't really understand why...but I feel hurt." I admit feeling myself unable to breath properly.

" You've been hurt? You should forget about those sad memories. I don't want to ask you yet, but at least I can distract you."

" Distract me?" I raise my head very interested. I really do need his distraction after all.

" Well tonight I have a party and I was thinking that you should come." He gives me a genuine smile and very hopeful eyes. I do not wish to attend it because I never been to a party, unless you count my 'mother's' meetings but it's very elegant and there's classy music instead of pop. I also heard you drink alcohol and have sex on normal parties. I really don't feel like going to those types of parties.

" Yeah...Erm."

" Please don't tell me you're not coming." Taehyung  frowns, his look has a lot of disappointment but I don't really think it would light up my mood.

" No...Sorry ."I lower my head in shame.

" It's okay...If you're really busy I don't mind. But I still wish to make you feel better." He says placing his hand on mine. I really appreciate his kindness towards me but he doesn't have to do all of this.

" Thank you. It's okay I'll be better soon~"

" Yoongi!" I hear Namjoon's voice from the other side of the classroom and I avert my gaze to him. I try my hardest to not seem too happy to see him nor seem too sad either. " why didn't you wait for me? I was worried thinking you got lost or something." He ask me as he pants harshly. Looks like he was running, or was he out of breath because he was kissing Minah?

" I found him-" Taehyung begins to speak but before he could tell Namjoon that i was crying in the bathroom i quickly pull at his arm and shake my head no. Taehyung understood my actions and nodded. " I found him around the hallways." He says and I sigh in relief.

" In the hallways? Okay." Namjoon shifts awkwardly as he stands in front of us while playing with his back pack strap. The class has not started yet so the teacher didn't tell him to leave right away.

" So...Yoongi. Weren't you gonna tell me something very important?" Namjoon hyung reminds me about the big confession i was about to make but i lie and shake my head vigorously.

" No i had nothing to say." I speak surprised that my voice sounds so emotionless. I didn't mean for it to come out that way but looks like i've been affected to much.

" Are you sure?" hyung tries to reassure. His face expression shows that he's very skeptical of me and doesn't trust what I'm currently saying. I open my mouth to reply with another denial, but he cuts me off first. " You know what? i'll speak to you about it at lunch time." He smiles at me but his tone of voice says something else. Who knows what's he's feeling or thinking, disappointment, anger, neutral, suspicious. I don't know what he's feeling.

" Actually, today I'm going to hang out with Taehyung hyung." i say surprising both me and Namjoon who looks at me in disbelief but then he just smiles awkwardly.

"Great, i'll join you."

" No you should just hang with Minah. You can just go to the girl's side of the school." I suggest, my face and voice expression very grave and serious. I don't know why, but i feel guilty of something, like if i'm hurting someone or maybe i'm just being too stubborn and overreacting too much. I don't really understand what's bothering me so much about my decision. Maybe I want him to leave, maybe I don't. Hyung opens his mouth to speak but the bell voices out his words.

He then shakes his head and leaves my side probably to sit at his own seat. I feel hurt by this because I wish for him to fight a bit more even though I'm kinda pushing him away.

" Well Yoongi~ I'm
Glad you chose to hang out with me." I feel Taehyung's hand on mine again but I don't reply at all.

What do I do now?


Hoi chicken tenders and potatoes I haven't been updating have I? I've been busy with school I apologize~ *Bows down*

I have a little activity for you~ It's just me asking you questions and you guys answering. very simple~

1) If you were able to name this book, what would you name it?

2) What part of this story intrigues you? ~^^

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