chapter 4

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I know this part might be offensive to some, the point is that i want to show the comparision of expectation and reality.

Dear Cole,
I was reluctant to write to you but then I realized that if I can put my past behind me than why couldn't you....

You might know the difference between love and lust since you had am experienced 'dating' background and which is why you and I thought we were perfect for each other,we were hopelessly in love.

But let me tell you this.
When we looked into each others eyes for hours.It was not love.It was us finding our strength to our popularity

When we held our hands during lunch.It was not love.It was possesiveness and lack of trust to stop each of us or rather our 'popularity' escaping.

And when we got jealous over any interacting besides us.It was not love.It was our insecurity.

We realized what love was when we found love in the little things we usually ignored and parted ways and let go of our weaknesses:us.


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