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Joji's POV

I laid in my bed, blaring music through my headphones, not paying much attention to the outside world. It's already been two weeks since breaking up with my boyfriend, and it was still an immense difficulty to not break down crying every day.

I'm sure that my viewers, especially the "Joji Stans," have all started to notice little details in my videos. Red eyes, less enthusiasm, occasionally staring off at nothing for excessively long periods of time.

Although it's not like there aren't differences in Ian's content, either. Soon enough, I'm convinced fans will figure it out, but we had both agreed not to publicly announce our breakup

Hell, we hadn't even talked about the fact that we were in a relationship to begin with. Once, however, it had been asked on a livestream, and we answered without caring. After all, why deny it? I still remember that moment clearly, since after that, all the Jojian shippers went practically nuts.

Ian and I were sitting on the couch of our shared flat, although our fans didn't know it was shared between the two of us. We were doing a livestream with Max and Chad, helping them to get more viewers.

Chad had been reading off questions and comments without thinking, just trying to make sure he read everything. "Are George and Ian togeth- oh shit, sorry, didn't mean to read that one out lou-"

Ian cut off Chad, giving me a quick glance before doing so. We had agreed beforehand that, if the question arose, we'd just nonchalantly say "yeah, we're dating," but not with any jokes since we didn't want people memeing it and making it big.

"Were they gonna ask if he and I are in a relationship?" Ian asked, although he had definitely read the comment.

"Uh- yeah, but-" Chad was going to try and come up with a cover up, since after all, he wasn't in a place to be 'outing' us, but Ian cut him off once more.

"Yeah, Joji's my boyfriend." He said it so smoothly and unhesitantly that most people would've thought of it as a pre-rehearsed joke if they hadn't paid close attention to the two of us.

"Ian's not my boyfriend though, just my fuck buddy." I joked, causing Ian to punch me in the arm, a bit too hard for it to be playful but not hard enough for it to mean he was actually offended. "Just kidding, Ian's my boyfriend and I love him very much. Not as much as his dick though."

"Literally fuck off." We hadn't said anything about it after that, and we continued with the stream like normal, while 75% of the chat was flipping out and asking if we were being legit.

"My god, guys, you really think they'd say it so seriously if they didn't mean it? Chill out." Max whined, trying to get our fans to calm down.

We didn't even mention it until the stream ended, Ian and I staying on Skype with Chad while Max went to go get food. "Since when did you two decide to tell them about being a thing?" Chad asked us.

Ian and I both shrugged. "It's not important enough to make a video but why not tell them, right? We don't have shit to hide- plus Ian doesn't have to worry about that getting out while relentlessly trashing and 'exposing' YouTubers with content cop." I replied, laying back on the couch with Ian's arm around me.

Chad nodded, going on his phone. After a while he smiled and laughed quietly. "What?" Ian said immediately, wanting to know what Chad found funny.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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