One. Late Nights *

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~Viktoria's Outfit Above~

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~Viktoria's Outfit Above~

"Why did I agree to come with you again?" I asked Stiles, my hands shoved into the pockets of my oversized hoodie that I "borrowed" from Scott. My brother scoffed at me and replied, "Because I'm your brother and you love me."

At that moment we both looked at each other and burst into laughter. "No, I remember now. You told me I could drive the Jeep for a month whenever I wanted." I partially joked. Of course I love him, but not enough to go looking for a dead body at 2 in the morning without a little incentive.

"Have you gotten a hold of Scott?" He asked me as he turned into Scott's neighborhood. I turned up the heat and sighed, "No, because no sane person is awake this late at night."

"You know, some people wake up this early to start their days." Stiles tried to argue, but I quickly shut him down. "Yeah, like I said. No sane person is awake at this time."

Stiles pulled up in front of Scott's house and quickly undid his seatbelt. When he realized I wasn't moving he stopped short and looked at me expectantly.

"Aren't you coming?" He asked me, to which I shook my head and pulled my knees to my chest to stay warm.

"Hell no. I'm staying here where it's at least somewhat warm." I told him, earning an eye roll before he practically fell out of the car and ran up to Scott's house. I watched on in slight horror, but mostly amusement, as Stiles climbed onto the roof in order to sneak into Scott's bedroom. Scott, with a baseball bat in his hand, slowly walked out of his house and towards the edge of his front porch where Stiles had unexpectedly slipped and fallen. My idiotic brother landed upside-down on the roof, dangling in front of a very scared Scott who swung his bat at him. And these are the two boys I call my best friends.


"We're seriously doing this?" Scott asked Stiles after we all piled out of the car and made our way into the Beacon Hills preserve. Stiles held our only flashlight which I argued was a bad idea, but of course no one ever listens to me.

"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles told him before rushing off. I sighed and followed behind him, not overly fond of being stuck in the dark with a possible killer on the loose.

"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow." Scott argued, sounding adorably naïve.

"Right, because sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort for you two." I told him sarcastically, just wanting to be home and in bed.

"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line." Scott argued back. I held back my comments, but Stiles obviously wasn't going to.

"Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." He told Scott who elected to ignore him.

"Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" I asked, curious about what we were actually looking for in the cold, dark wilderness.

Stiles stopped for a brief moment before replying, "Huh. I didn't even think about that."

"And, uh, what if whoever killed the body is still out here?" Scott asked, making a good point. I'd rather not die before I even finish watching Criminal Minds.

"Also something I didn't think about." Stiles added. I just shook my head and started climbing the incline in front of us, trying to drown out their conversation now that I know Stiles doesn't have a single thought in his head.

I reached the top and quickly dropped to the ground, seeing my dad's search party combing through the woods. Stiles and Scott quickly dropped on either side of me, my brother quickly turning off the flashlight. I looked to Stiles to see if he had a plan, but by the look in his eyes I knew exactly what he planned to do.

"Hey, come on!" Stiles whispered to us before taking off towards the search party like an idiot. Scott tried to shout after him, but I covered his mouth and shook my head. I got up from the ground and dragged Scott with me, the both of us chasing after my twin. Within seconds I noticed my dad getting closer to Stiles so I dragged Scott with me so we could hide behind a large tree.

Wonderful. Now I could either be caught and murdered by my father or caught and murdered by an actual murderer. Thanks Stiles.

"Wait. I think this little delinquent belongs to me." I heard dad say after Stiles got caught.

"Dad, how are ya?" Stiles asked, acting innocent.

"So, do you, uh, listen in to all of my phone calls?" Dad asked, sounding completely tired of Stiles' bullshit.

"No. Not the boring ones." Stiles admitted. I rolled my eyes and looked to Scott beside me, seeing him doing the same thing.

"Now, where are your usual partners in crime?" Dad asked, no doubt looking around for Scott and I.

"Who, Scott and Vicky? They're both home. Scott said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow. And Vicky refused to do anything this late unless I paid her." he lied smoothly, which I was impressed with.

"It's just me. In the woods. Alone." he added, ruining any hope I had in getting away.

"Scott, Viktoria! Are you both out there?" I heard dad yell, followed by the sine of his flashlight at the trees around Scott and I. We both froze, looking ahead of us in slight panic.

"Well, young man. I'm gonna walk you back to your car. And you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy." Dad told Stiles, dragging him away. Great, now what do we do?

Author's Note

So this is the first rewritten chapter! I really hope you all enjoy it. All the rewritten chapters will have an * in the title and will follow a different format. Let me know what you guys think of the rewrites!

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