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Suzy woke up slowly. She opened her eyes fully.

She looked around the room and saw all the EXO members sleeping in different spots.

She noticed she was in a hospital bed. She sighed and closed her eyes.

She slowly opened them when she felt someone on the other side of her- holding her hand.

She turned slowly to her side & and Oh Sehun. He was sleeping next to her in a chair but his head was rested on the bed.

He was holding her hand tightly.

*Thump Thump Thump Thump

Her heart was annoyingly spreeding up. She stared at Sehun with a small smile as she remembered what he did before she passed out.

She just left her hand in his and fell back asleep.

3 hours later

Suzy woke up and looked around. She noticed that everyone was gone.

But when she looked to her side, she saw Suho sitting in the chair - staring back at her .

" You okay ? " He asked

Suzy nodded and closed her eyes

" You know... We were all pissed when we saw you like this " Suho started softly.

" Yes because I saw how Sehun beat up that son of a bit- gun " Suzy croaked.

" Yeah. We all beat up - except Kyungsoo because he was with you - all the mother fuckers because of what they did to you " Suho said

" My friends ... They care about you Suzy "

Suzy just listened.

' But I think Oh Sehun cares about you the most ' Suho thought while staring at Suzy.

" Suho ..." Suzy cut him out of his thoughts.

He paid attention to her

" Eo.. What?" He asked.

" Where's the rest? " Suzy asked with closed eyes.

" They went home for the night because there's school tomorrow but they said they'll be back tomorrow . "

" So why are you still here? " Suzy asked opening her eyes and facing him.

" To keep an eye on you " Suho answered in an obvious tone

" Oh okay " Suzy closed her eyes again

" Suzy " Suho called

Suzy hummed in response.

" I know I'm not supposed to ask this ..." Suho hesitated

" But do you perhaps.... Like ... Oh--"
The door swung open. Suzy opens her eyes and Suho turned his head to the door.

It was Lee Jieun.
Suho stared at her as Jieun made her way towards Suzy.

" Suzyy~" Jieun called with tears in her eyes.

" What are you doing here Ji? " Suzy asked surprised

" What else? I'm here to see your dumb ass " Jieun cried as she put down the flowers she brought & hugged Suzy carefully.

Jieun cusses at Suzy now that they're comfortable around each other .

" Awe " Suzy cooed with a smile

" Ugh . I'm gonna kill Park Jiyeon " Jieun said as she let go of the hug

" Let me help you with that Ji " Suzy joked as she & Jieun laughed.

" Are you okay though? " Jieun asked worriedly .

Suzy nodded with a smile.

" Yup. Thanks to Sehun & the EXO members, I'm here right now " Suzy was thankful that it was Sehun she bumped into.

Jieun looked to Suho and smiled. Suho blushed and smiled back.

" Thank you Suho .. " Jieun thanked him shyly.

" Uh -- no no problem " Suho stuttered while running the nape on his neck.

" But how did you guys know where Suzy was? " Jieun asked as Suzy stared at Suho for an answer.

" We didn't . It was out of total coincidence " Suho answered honestly.

" Well, we were walking around town and heard some screams from the alley so I guess Sehun felt uneasy about it so he leaded the way and walked past the alley- which Suzy came out running from out of and bumped into Sehun & all of us. That's when Suzy fainted while all of us fought the perverted boys & their leader" Suho explained confidentially .

Suzy gasped loudly. Jieun & Suho stared at her startled.

" What?! " They yelled together

" Did you know that the leader, N. Is Park Jiyeon's older step brother ? " Suzy mentioned with wide eyes

The other two were surprised

" Really ?! No wonder ! " Jieun said loudly

" Yeah but they're also dating (?) some shit like that. They kissed and shit it was some surprising shit to me " Suzy said while nodding .

" Wtf?! " They yelled in usion

Suzy nodded .

They continued to talk about it until It was getting really late.

Jieun got up to leave.

" I'm leaving " Jieun said as she got her stuff ready.

" I'll see you tomorrow " Jieun told Suzy while smiling. Suzy nodded .

" Wait - do you have a ride? " Suho asked quickly.

" Unm no but I was gonna take the bus " Jieun said smiling at him.

" No Ji " Suzy protested

" Suho can drop you off " She recommended . Suho smiled with a nod.

Jieun debated a while

" Um .. Are you sure? " She asked unsure.

" Yeah . I have nothing to do " Suho answered getting his stuff and keys

" Okay then " Jieun said happily

" Bye Suzy ! " They both yelled as Suzy waved at them good bye.

Once the door closed, Suzy sighed.

' Love birds ' She thought while turning in the bed to sleep again.

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