A Glint of Amusement Flickered In Her Eyes: Graystripe x Silverstream ONESHOT

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It had been a few nights since I saved that ThunderClan tom. I couldn't stop thinking about him. The way his long, gray fur framed the muscles rippling under his pelt. His broad shoulders and those brilliant, amber eyes. He was so funny too. There were no cats like that in RiverClan, not that I could think of. Graystripe. Very fitting name, he's a gray cat with a darker gray stripe going down his back. Not to mention he's a really big tom! He's like more than twice my size. I wished I could see him again.

Later on that day, I remember I was going out hunting close to the ThunderClan border to see if by any chance, I could spot him. Turns out he was thinking the same thing. I saw him, this time dry. His muscles were still rippling from under his pelt and his thick, long fur was fluffy and soft looking. I pushed away a thought about pressing my nose to his flank, as if we were mates. I barely even knew him back then. Though I felt like I knew so much.
He caught sight of me and I swear I saw him smile. I couldn't help feeling triumphant. Then he tripped, it was so funny. I laughed, and padded after him. "What are you doing so close to here?" I questioned him.
"I could ask you the same thing," he smartly replied back.
Mouse dung, I thought as I shuffled my paws.
"Well I asked you first!" I exclaimed.
He looked around warily, then leaned close to me and replied. I could feel my face growing hot.
"I couldn't stop thinking about a certain she-cat, you see." He whispered deeply.
I gulped down a shaky, awkward response and replied with something more teasing. He had such a good sense of humor!
"Do I know her?"
"Oh I think you do. Her pelt is the same beautiful silver as the moon at a gathering, framed by dark, pitch black stripes," he paused and looked over me, like he was checking me out or something. "And she has the most beautiful, gentle blue eyes, the color of the calm river," he finished.
I held back a giggle.
"I don't think I know a she-cat so pretty, but I would expect someone like that to fancy you as well." My whiskers twitched, "And to answer your question, I couldn't stop thinking about yo- I mean somecat as well. He is very, very big. From broad shoulders to a fluffy gray pelt that I could rest in all day long. Rippling muscles, and the most brilliant, brightest, most vivid golden eyes I have ever seen before." I remember, I did that same 'checking out' thing that he did. I saw him flinch a little, and smile a bit more from my praise.
He took a step closer, so his nose was touching mine. I looked up into his amber eyes and told him that we'll meet again tomorrow. He gave me a lick on my head, brushed his bushy tail against my paws and left. That's how the meetings began.
From then on, we met every day. Mistyfoot was always concerned as to why I was gone, she thought that I was angry with her because I needed so much alone time. But I wasn't alone, I was with Graystripe. Sometimes I thought to myself, "Why does he love me? Why do I love him so much? Why is it that whenever I think about him, I forget about clan boundaries?" It was because he was all I ever wanted. He was so kind to me, I returned the favor. My admiration, my happiness, my heart filled with warmth whenever I saw him. During the meetings, we talked, got to know each other even more. By the time a moon passed, I felt as if I've known Graystripe for seasons. We laughed, taught each other hunting techniques, made love, play fought, and I even dared to tell him the weakness in RiverClan. He wouldn't tell Bluestar, I know he wouldn't. He wouldn't want to fight me. I couldn't fight him.
I miss those days. I'm still waiting here for him. It's like he's immortal, down there in ThunderClan. I can predict that he'll die honorably. I'm going to be so happy. So many cats here miss him, Lionheart, Ravenpaw, Feathertail, Sandstorm, Stonefur, most importantly, Firestar. Everyday, that ginger warrior sits and looks down at Graystripe. He really misses him. I really miss him. I'll go down there to him, and I'll tell him. Yes, that's what I'll do.
The fluffy gray elder lowered his head. He missed so many cats, all of them resting in StarClan. Sure, these new kits and this new clan honored him well enough, but he missed his old clan mates.
"Graystripe!" He heard a voice say his name. He recognized the sweet scent of Silverstream, his former mate.
"Silverstream? Am I going to StarClan?"
"No, not yet. I just came to tell that I miss you. And that I'm still waiting. We all are. We all miss you. And we all love you." She replied gently.
Graystripe smiled a bit, "I'll be there sooner or later, all of this clan drama is driving me crazy. I know they'll honor me well, Bramblestar's going to miss my good judgement!" He noticed a glint of amusement in her eyes.
"The he'll have to do without that you're here," she looked into his golden eyes with her own blue ones, "We're waiting."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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Graystripe X Silverstream : A Glint of Amusement Flickered in her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now