About/Member Sign-Up

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Hi my Star Wars fans this is my frist time writing a story. I also want to say thank you for actually open this story up and looking at it.

Star Wars Ambassadors are a group of Star Wars Fans! There's is a couple of sections of this story/lounge/or HQ. The first being is, the memeber sign-up. The next being Admin info and sign-up. Then the third is a chat room where you can get to know each other, to meet others with the common intrest. The fourth is a question page. The final page is the bulletin board. These sections should stay there, and only update this book when a chat room gets to full. And also i will probably put an link page of thing you can test on or take of a star wars.

For the sign-ups it gose like this member, gold, platinum, admin.First, rank is for the people that wont be active much, but still wants to be a pert of the ambassador. Gold means that you're more active then a member. Platinum is where you're very active, You earn it, you contribute to the Star Wars Ambassadors fandom. You also may design a book cover for this book, and give suggestions.etc...and also I probably with ever new post i will add a video to the chapter.

How to sign- up:
Tell me hoe you fell in love with the Star Wars series. And tell me what ranking you like to be. Rember if want platinum, I got to see you be really active, Postive, and Awesome by giving me some good ideas!!! When you sign-up be sure to put your ranking in your Bio!!

Next chapter is the Admin. and sign-up page with a knowledge test to see of how much you know the Star Wars series. And intil then my Star wars fans "May the force be with you and see you in the next chapter."


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