Admin sign-up

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Here is this admin sign-up:

This is where you sign up for this particular ranking. An Administrator ranking is basically a "tour guide." If someone has questions it is up to you to answer it if you know the answer but i do it quickly and nicely. This also means to be active as much as possible when you have time to be on here.  Note: IF THERE ARE LIKE 20 PEOPLE ADMINS THEN PLEASE DONT ASK TO BE ONE

Admission slip-
Answer these questions, all correctly so I can know that you can most questions.

-When was the frist SW movie released?
-Who are the main characters? Which actor/actress played which character in the SW movies?
-How did Padmé die?
-Who is the director of the SW movies?
-Who trianed Aniken Skywalker?
-Where is Aniken from?
- Who were Lukes master(s) for his Jedi training?
-What Ship did Luke pilot in The Empire Strikes Back when he goes to Dagobah?
-Why was Luke and Leia split up when they were born?
-What were the side characters and what were they're role in each SW movie? (Draw a T-chart. On one side, characters and movie and on the other side they're role/part in movie)
- Bonus Question-
-How old was Aniken when Qui-gon and Padmé found him? Where did they meet?

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