chapter 1 first day at school

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when i waked up today i saw I've overslept.i put on my clothes and rushed downstairs to eat mom greets my but i already leaved the room. with my mouthful i rushed to school. on my way i saw rin waiting for my she looked like she was gonna explode she yelled at my : DID YOU OVERSLEPT AGAIN!!!
my mouth was still full so the only thing i could giver was a nervous laugh.
rin says:lets just go. when we where at school i forgot my bag. i thought: shit i cant do my school work without my stuff.
at school we meet up with rin's friend len. (for the ones who don't know those two are in love)
then the bell rings and we hurry to class. im gonna set next to ren but that place is take. len is sitting there and the only free place is next to my crush kaito im to shy to sit next to him.
then the teacher ask me to sit down.
the teacher ask us to open our math books on page 1 and 2.
then i remembered that i forgot my bag.
i raised my hand and told her i forgot my bag. she got mad at me and said i had detention and I've got to watch with kaito.
the lesson go on.
the bell rings its brake.
rin,len and me gonna sit on a table then kaito is coming to sit next to me i blush.
kaito ask what where doing. and rin answers with about primary school
. that's whre we are talking about.
and the n kaito says bye and leaves.
rin and len says both at the same we know you have a crush on him.
my face turn red and i say no i don't have a crush on him.
and so the day ends.
when i come home i jump on the couch and sit down.
my mom ask me: how it was on school? and i say: good.
i ate my diner and make my home work (its really hard.)
and them im gonna sleep.

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