Unkept Secret (Oneshot Complete)

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Author Note: Hi everyone, just to let people know, if they have seen this story on Fanfiction.net written by Naz-chan, that's me, so no I did not steal this story I just decided to also publish it here. Thanks and onward with the story! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters, they belong to the amazing and wonderful Yana Toboso.

Stone pillars stood proud and tall, their flawless cream stone intricately designed. Holding the roof high like a magnificent, extravagant painted sky high above the celebrations commencing below. Ciel Phantomhive had escaped the countless aristocrats that spread around the room and took to the dance floor. He couldn't take the business offers and close contact any longer. They flew at him like a chilled wind during the harsh London winters.

 Ciel had found his hideaway behind one of the sturdy pillars on the fringe of the party. Elizabeth had decided on throwing this elegant party in Ciel's own honour. Today was his sixteenth Birthday and he was slowly becoming a man even though his cute childish features, much to his own despair, stayed with him. It wouldn't be long now before he and Elizabeth would be marrying and marriage gifts would bombard them. No matter how much the young Earl could ever bring himself to think of Elizabeth as his. His wife. His. It didn't sound right, at least not to him. The taste of the words in his mouth was unsuitable, like a bad choice of after-dinner tea with a dessert.

 Such a bad choice Sebastian would never make.


Every time the thoughts of what he and Elizabeth were to be, the demon's would come swirling into his mind like a fog. It bothered him.

 Swirling the fine wine in his glass Ciel sighed. His reflection stared back at him in the dark liquid, the rays from the chandeliers high above his head joined his own reflection. Ciel poked his head around the corner of the column, eyes searching over countless ball gowns and suits until he found his most trusted butler. Surrounded by women, Ciel's focus went to the raven's lips that were moving quickly as he entertained the women, some of them giggling while others blushed. That perfect mouth pulled up into a smirk and Ciel found himself captivated by it. It looked so...seductive. Ciel felt his own face heat up at the thought. 

 I'm being stupid.'

 “He can have his fun,” Ciel muttered, gripping the glass slightly tighter before finally striding out from his hiding place. He ignored the people who called out to him; he could hear Lizzy's voice amongst the fray. His legs carrying him to the double doors that led out onto a small terrace looking out over the colorful, sweet scented garden. He paused at the doors momentarily before disappearing outside. Still ignoring Elizabeth as she continued to call to him, she was trying to see if he was alright.

 'Even I don't know the answer to that, Lizzy. Have I been alright at all these past years?'  

 As he wandered closer to the wrought iron railing with flowers growing along it, he placed his wine glass down on the stone wall to the left of him and leaned against it heavily. Wanting to just disappear back home, but that would be improper. Elizabeth was his fiancée, it would be rude to leave.

 Ciel let out a sigh of relief after escaping the party. Ciel was starting to hate classical music. It was becoming a symbol for the unwanted social contact. He'd be perfectly happy to be at home signing documents or reading a book by candlelight in perfect silence.

 Well not perfect silence, not when chaos was crawling through the halls of the Phantomhive Manor when Finny, Bard and Mey-rin were let loose and Sebastian wasn't there to rein them in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2012 ⏰

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