Twenty Five- Grimmjow's downfall

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate! Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

OC characters: I claim no rights to any of the OC characters that I am using as they belong to other readers on whom are allowing me to use them with their permission. Sasori belongs to ultima-owner, Ienzo Viristio belongs to Antex-the Legendary Zoroark, Rey Tiburon belongs to dark machines, Akira belongs to Akira Namikaze, Sjach Votastrix belongs to my daughter Christiana, and Phoenix belongs to me. Check out my deviantart page for pictures that I have done of Phoenix.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations/notes), *mental speech*, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks

Twenty Five- Grimmjow's downfall

I knew that my fraccion would be able to handle themselves in a battle as I trained with them and worked with them all. I knew their strength better than anyone else. I even fought some of them personally. I could see some shinigami captains wanting to help aid my fraccion.

"Allow them to handle this. They maybe able to take out some of the Espada. We should save our strength for Aizen in case he does get free." I stated.

"Ichigo is right. If Aizen has tried to fuse with the Hogyoku, he may be the only one who can stop him as he hasn't seen Aizen's shiki. If what this Espada tells us is true about Ichigo, he may truly be the only one who can match up to Aizen's power." stated Kisuke as my dad approached me.

"It's good to see you son. The girls have been worried about you. Don't worry as Kon is with them. Every shinigami captain, lieutenant, vizards, and even your friends are here to back you up if need be." stated my father.

"Thanks but I won't need it. I will face Aizen alone. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of my power." No one said a word as they respected my wishes as I kept my eyes trained on my fraccion. Grimmjow laughed as he found himself against Akira and Sjach.

"You two used to serve me. Do you truly think that you have any chance in defeating me?" asked Grimmjow.

"Yes. There is a reason why we follow Ichigo. His powers are far beyond what you can even imagine." both Akira and Sjach replied as they pulled out their zanpakuto.

"After I kill these two, you are next Kurosaki!" stated Grimmjow. I looked at Sjach and Akira.

"Show them the power of those who follow and ally themselves with me. Show him what you are truly capable of." I tell them. Both Sjach and Akira nodded their head as Grimmjow pulled out his zanpakuto.

"Grind..... Panthera!" snapped out Grimmjow as he released his resurreccion.

"Bring down hell..... Oni Kitsune (demon fox)!" snapped Akira as she released her resurreccion.

"Hysvear.... Kothar Darastrix (soar..... demon dragon)!" snapped out Sjach as he held a glaive in his hand. The glaive was a brown staff with a dragon claw at the bottom holding a red orb. Five ribbons where tied near the blade that where grey, silver, blue, black, and white. The blade its self was silver with a white curve. This was the first time that I would see Sjach's resurreccion. Sjach's skin became grey in color as light blue tribal markings spread across his body. His hair became longer to his mid back length as a part of it was tied up into a ponytail as it changed becoming dark blue in color. Two tan segmented horns where attached to his head. Large dark brown tattered wings with the inside fabric of the wings a lighter shade of brown ripped out of Sjach's back. A long grey tail with a sharp cone-like end near the tip had also ripped out of his tail bone. He wore shredded black shorts with a tan fur wrapped around his waist for a belt. His hands had three dragon-like claws as his feet became that of a gargoyle (Disney's cartoon show). His eyes became all green with no visible irises and/or pupils. He still had the jagged red scar on the left side of his face. Grimmjow was the first to move as he unleashed a loud roar that sent out shockwaves.

"Prepare to die!" snapped Grimmjow as he began to create a large cero. "Gran Rey Cero!" he growled unleashing the blast at Akira and Sjach. Akira moved to counter the attack.

"Oni Kitsune Tatsumaki (demon fox tornado)!" roared out Akira as she unleashed powerful winds that cause the Gran Rey Cero to rocket towards the heavens. When the blast cleared Sjach was flying above Grimmjow.

"Loreat Svern (death from above)!" snapped Sjach as had energy wrapped around his claws. Sjach swung his claws unleashing a blast that was similar to my Getsuga Tensho. The attack hit Grimmjow doing moderate damage.

"Damn you!" Grimmjow growled. Akira moved quickly striking at Grimmjow allowing Sjach time to do his next attack. I could feel Sjach gathering his reishi within his body as flames began to spew from his mouth.

"Oposs Kespek (rain storm)!" he snapped unleashing a volley of many small fireballs at Grimmjow and Akira. Akira managed to dash out of the way as she added in her own power to the attack.

"Oni Kitsune Moretsu (demon fox firestorm)!" Akira released a powerful fire blast swinging her tail. Both fire attacks hit Grimmjow as the attacks hit him hard. When the fire cleared, Grimmjow was bleeding badly.

"You two are far stronger than I recall. But there is a good reason why I am the sixth Espada, I am far stronger than any other especially two low ranking fraccion." stated Grimmjow. This caused me to laugh. Grimmjow looked at me like I was crazy.

"You are clearly nuts Grimmjow if you think that my fraccion are ordinary fraccion. Look at them closely!" Grimmjow did just that as he studied both Akira and Sjach but no where could you even see a number on their body. This caused Grimmjow's eyes to widen. "Thats right Grimmjow, they aren't ranked anymore. There powers are almost par to that of an Espada!" I stated.

"It can't be possible! I was destined to rise in the ranks and to become king!" Grimmjow roared out as he unleashed his reishi to create large claws. "Garra De La Pantera (claw of the panther)!"

"Charir Aryte (blood war)!" snapped out Sjach as he dug his own claws into his body drawing forth blood. The blood laced with his reishi as he swiped at Grimmjow's attack causing the attack to turn on its own user.

"Oni Kitsune Hariken (demon fox hurricane)!" snapped Akira as powerful winds picked up Grimmjow as the two attacks and his own attack tore him up to sheds shattering not only his resurreccion but his body, sword, and mask. Grimmjow fell to the ground in a bloody mess as both Sjach and Akira retuned to their normal states. All of the other Espada and fraccion watched in shock as two of my fraccion had taken down the sixth ranked Espada.

"Now who else wants to try their luck. Oh if you think that my power can't do the same for an Espada, then you are surely mislead." I stated as Ulquiorra and Nell showed them that the numbers they had were gone.

"If you think that is going to stop me then you are the one who is crazy. I refuse to believe that a woman can be stronger than me!" stated Nnoritora as he moved to attack Nell.

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