3; Sweeter than syrup

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   Sierra was already there when I pulled into the parking lot twenty minutes later. She smiles and waves at me, almost wearing the exact same thing. I park beside her and turn off the engine, getting out and returning the smile. “Hey, I’m glad you could make it.”

  “Me too. I’m always starving after a night of drinking.”

   I laugh softly and link my left arm with her right one, walking towards the front doors. “I feel you on that one.”

   The smell that hit me as we walked inside made my stomach growl and caused Sierra to burst into a fit of giggles. I nudge her with my elbow and tell her to shut up, only making her giggle more. I shake my head, looking up at the hostess. “Two, please. And a booth would be great.” She nods and leads us back, Sierra still giggling.

   She seats us near the windows and gives us two menus, telling us she’ll be right back to see what we want to drink. Sierra finally stops giggling and I wave my hands excitedly, catching her attention immediately. “So, guess what happened last night.”

   “You ditched me, duh!”

   “Well, yeah, but you’ll never guess why.”

   The hostess comes back just then with a pad and pen out, asking what we want to drink. I tell her a coffee and a Dr. Pepper and Sierra orders coffee and a Coke Zero. She writes it down, smiles, and tells us she’ll be back in a minute. I turn back to Sierra once she leaves and I whisper hurriedly, “I had sex with a total stranger.”

   She stares at me for a second, her face perfectly composed, and then bursts into a round of raucous laughter. I watch her for a moment and then I begin laughing, too. The people all around us begin staring strangely and that only makes the two of us laugh harder, kicking our feet and slapping the table with our hands. I then begin to hear whispers and I slowly cease my laughter, wiping the tears from my eyes. I look across the room and nearly shit myself. It was him. My mouth pops open and he merely smirks, turning back to his table and speaking in a hushed tone. From the looks of it, he’s talking about me because every single one of the guys sitting at the table looks over at me. I clear my throat and look back at Sierra, feeling my cheeks begin to burn.

   The hostess returns with our drinks and tells us that our waitress will be with us in a moment. I nod and she leaves, allowing me to busy myself with adding cream and sugar to my coffee. I stir it quickly and put the cup to my lips, tilting it back and taking a big gulp. A small scream escapes my lips and I drop the cup, spilling the hot contents all over the table and my lap. Sierra jumps up and I soon follow, letting out a cry. “FUCKING SHIT!”

   The whole restaurant goes silent and stares at us, only causing me to blush once more. I look down at my purple tank-top and see that the coffee had soaked through, showing the baby blue color of my bra. I groan inwardly and stalk past his table, not even giving them a second glance. I sure as hell hoped the bathroom was this way because I couldn’t handle any more humiliation.


   Sierra had her shirt from the club in her car, which was both great and not so great. It was great because I didn’t have to wear my own soaked shirt, but it was not so great due to the fact that it was a skin tight bandeau top the color of a firetruck. She walks out before me and glances behind her, waving an arm to tell me to follow her. I peek out and see that he and the people at his table are sneaking glances my way. This time, I groan out loud and take a deep breath, walking out and towards their table, my soaked shirt clenched in my fist. I could feel all of their eyes on me as I pass, quickly taking a seat at our table and I notice that they had cleaned up everything, even giving me a new cup of coffee. I sigh softly and pinch the bridge of my nose, my eyes closing as I speak. “Do you see that table of guys over there?”

   I hear her shift in her seat and then shift again, her voice matching the volume of mine. “Yeah, what about them?”

   “I slept with the guy in the snapback with the two lip piercings.”

   She shifts again and this time, her voice raises slightly. “You’re shitting me!”

   I shake my head, my eyes remaining closed. “Nope. That’s the guy I left with last night.”

   “You do realize who that is, right?”

  “Um, no?”

   “That’s Mike fucking Fuentes. He plays the drums in Pierce The Veil, remember?”

   My eyes shoot open and widen slightly. “No fucking way.”

   She nods and I look over at their table, noticing for the first time who was actually there. My heart drops as I realize I can name every single one of them. Fuck my fucking life.


   Despite my situation, I managed to put down three pancakes, a side of bacon, a side of hashbrowns, and two eggs with toast on top of that. I swallow the last bit of my Dr. Pepper and lick my lips, glancing over and seeing that they were still there. Sierra had been playing eye tag with Tony Perry for about an hour now and I sort of loved it. Zack Merrick was also at the table, but it seemed like she only had eyes for Tony. It was like something we had talked about when we were younger and in love with the Jonas Brothers. She had a thing for Joe and I had a thing for Nick. It was the same thought process, just different people. Mike had stopped looking at me and I was pretty sure it was due to the fact that he had texted me a long apology. He must of put his number in my phone while I was asleep, because I was shocked when I received it. I replied, saying that it was fine and that I had embarrassed myself more than anything. After that, we had started talking and making jokes about Sierra and Tony eyeing each other. He was actually a pretty cool guy and I was sure that we would be friends.

   Sierra burps at just that moment and I burst into laughter, small snorts escaping. I feel eyes on me and I only laugh harder, more snorts following. Sierra joins in a minute after and I hear a few male laughs blend in as well. I settle down after a minute and notice that our waitress had refilled our cups. I take a generous drink, wiping my mouth on a napkin after I finish almost half of the glass.

   I feel my phone vibrate against my leg and I pick it up, reading the text. It was from Mike.

Jaime thinks that you’re “sweeter than syrup.”

   I look up and spot Jaime, whose dark brown eyes are trained on me. A small smile forms on my lips and I look down, replying to Mike.

Oh yeah? Tell him the feeling is mutual.

   I press send and take another sip of my Dr. Pepper, watching as Mike reads the text, smiles, and leans forward to tell Jaime. Mike then turns to my and wiggles his eyebrows, causing me to giggle. This day wasn’t off to such a bad start after all.

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