Hush [ Sterek ]

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[ Stiles P.O.V. ]

I can no longer bear it. I hate all of them. Since I returned from the dead  everything goes wrong.

Sometimes I think it would be better to die. I have nightmares all night long.  My bestfriend Scott knows about it, Allison,his girlfriend, also. But they aren't trying to help me in any way. They are just ignoring me . Honestly it is more than just nightmares.
Last night I woke up with bloody hands, like what the hell.
Did I murdered someone ?

I got scared and decided to call the only one that I can trust - Derek Hale .

" Hey , Derek " - I said.

" Stiles !  Why are you calling me so late at  night ? " - he shouted.

" Sorry man , but something is wrong with me . I'm serious. I have to talk to you , so please ,Derek come to me . " - I said ,trying not to break completely.

He said  that he was coming by.

[ Derek P.O.V. ]

Something is going on with Stiles . Normally he never calls me so late at night  or at all he never calls me.  
I got dressed and drove to him.
I went through the window, that was wide open. What I saw there gave me a shock-for-life. Stiles room was full of blood. Everything was covered in blood, even Stiles himself. He looked startled.
There is really something strange happening here...

" Stiles , what happened ? " - I said

" I don't know . I woke up and everything was covered with blood . Real blood ,Derek ! " - he got
anxiety attacks.  
I went to Stiles and hugged him.

" Shh everything will be alright . Don't cry , everything will be alright " - I said .

 He calmed down slowly .

We decided to go to Scott's boss.

[ Stiles P.O.V. ]

Did I murdered someone ?  Or ist it just some sick game my mind is playing?

 We were finally here . 

" Derek , Stiles what's wrong ? Why is Stiles covered with blood  . " - he said.

" That's why we're here , Doc . We don't know what's wrong with him . " - Derek said.

" Wait here . I'll find out. " - Deaton said

After some research, Doctor Deaton came .

" Stiles , since when do you have these symptoms ? " - he asked me .

" Since I died ." - I said quietly .

" That must be it. You know there are werewolves , druids and other supernatural creatures, right ? " -
he explained .

"  I'm not stupid, of course I know that . "  - I said  laughing. 

Since Scott got bitten,  I've earned enough information about the supernatural creatures.

 " What's wrong , Doc ? " - Derek said .

" Stiles is a vampire. An original vampire to be more specific . " - Doc said

" What ?  What does this mean ?" - I asked scared .

" This means that you're the first vampire. Vampires were once the most powerful creatures. But they
were extinguished. 
But a legend said that every thousand years a new vampire is born. 
He needs to reproductive his race. " -  he said . 

" So he has to kill. " - Derek said. 

[ Derek P.O. V ]

Stiles is a vampire . WTF  . I thought this is a  fucking legend . 
What does that means for our pack now that Stiles is  a  vampire.

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