Chapter Two - Disagreement

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"Well, sorry to hear it didn't go well. I'll take the blame--"

"No, it's fine. The loot those monsters dropped weren't all that bad. Just not good enough."

After taking care of the red player, Chrome had gone back to town to meet back up with Argo about her information.

"Hey," Argo snapped her fingers. "Are you going to the meeting to find the Floor Six boss?"

The question took Chrome by surprise.

"Why would I? I'm not on the front lines, or in a guild for that matter."

"I dunno." Argo shrugged. "You just seem like that type of guy."

"You've known me for less than a day," Chrome retorted. "And you're already making assumptions about me."

"Point taken." Argo held out her hands in front of her chest. "But I feel like you should go anyway. Y'know, just because?"

Chrome paused before responding. "Alright, I'll think about it," he sniffed. "When and where is this meeting?"

Argo smiled. "I won't disappoint you this time."

"I sure hope not."

*~Time Skip~*

The next morning, at 10:00 A.M., Chrome made his way to the abandoned cabin, where the meeting took place. He was stopped by a large man.

"Are you here for the boss raid meeting, kiddo?"

Chrome was slightly offended, but kept his cool. "Yes, I am."

"Head on in." The man moved to let Chrome in. Chrome nodded a thanks and looked around the cabin. The amount of people there made him uncomfortable, but he walked in anyway. He heard their whispers as he entered.

"Who's this guy?"

"Haven't seen 'im around before."

"He's got some sick equipment. You think he's a beater?"

"Don't you people know it's not polite to stare?" Chrome growled through gritted teeth. Everyone quickly averted their gazes and went on talking amongst themselves. Chrome stood alone in a corner of the cabin, waiting for the meeting to begin. As he stood there, a girl with dark brown hair approached him.

"Sorry about those guys. Anyone who wasn't at the first boss meeting is the center of gossip," she said with a smile.

"Don't worry about it," Chrome replied bluntly.

"So... What's your name?" she asked.


"I'm Lynx. Nice to meet you." Lynx smiled.

"Right back at ya." Chrome nodded his head once.

"So, those guys said you might be a Beater. Are you?"

"I'm not. Why?"

"Alright everyone, the meeting starts now." A girl with light brown hair and white clothes with red accents walked into the cabin.

"That's Asuna, of the Knights of the Blood Oath," Lynx whispered to Chrome.

"I figured," Chrome whispered back.

"We've located the boss," Asuna began. "It's called The Devil's Right Hand. It's going to have ten minions called Phantoms. When the minions are together, they recieve a buff that makes the as strong as the boss itself."

"So you're saying we'll have to separate them?" asked a boy in his middle teens, dressed in all black.

"He's the Black Swordsman, isn't he?" Chrome asked Lynx.

"Mm-hm. His name is Kirito."

"That's right," Asuna replied to Kirito. "We have to keep them apart. The info brokers say they're all the same level; level six. And they are apparently programed to stay together."

"Programed?" Chrome blurted out. "We're only on Floor Six and the boss is already that difficult to beat?"

"That's what I said," Asuna sighed.

What's her problem? Chrome thought, getting agitated, as Asuna continued.

"So here's the plan. We use players as bait; while the Phantoms are distracted, the other players will sneak to finish them off."

"Use players as bait...?" Chrome repeated in shock. "That's crazy!"

"It's a risk we have to take," Asuna said bluntly.

"No. It's a risk you're willing to take. There has to be some other way. A way that won't put players in any more danger that they're already in."

Asuna turned to face Chrome. "That's the plan, and since the raid is tomorrow, I have no intention of changing it."

"Well, now you're just being stubborn."

Everyone gasped in shock, even Kirito. Asuna's expression hardened. "As vice commander of the Knights of the Blood Oath, I order you to stand down."

Chrome glared back and growled. "In case you haven't noticed 'vice commander', I'm not a member of your stupid guild. I'm not taking orders from the likes of you. Not now. Not ever." Chrome turned and stormed out of the cabin, and as he did, he felt everyone's eyes trailed him. But he didn't care. As he exited, he looked around. No red players. No monsters. Chrome took a deep breath and headed back towards the town. When he arrived, Argo was waiting for him.

"Back so soon? How'd it go?"

"You don't know me very well," Chrome grumbled and stormed away her.

Back towards the Central Forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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