Christopher Reed wanted to start a new life in Leavenworth, away from people, hoping to escape the grief of losing his wife Janice in a terrible car accident.
The charming cottage he bought with the most alluring garden was perched on a plain near t...
I am participating in a Halloween Anthology called, Tenebris Somnia.
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During the month of October a writer will be featured every day.
My feature date is 20 October 2016.
The official launch day is 1 October 2016 with @TaliaArcher.
Check out the feature dates:
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Please get over to to the Anthology and check out the introduction.
Please remember to read, vote and follow the profile created specially for this amazing compilation of Halloween-themed stories written by awesome writers.
Chris Buono -> @ChrisBuono Talia Archer -> @TaliaArcher Ingrid Ancona -> @Tangerine_Dream Tim Johnson -> @TEJJohnson May Freighter -> @MayFreighter Marna Reed -> @MarnaReed Aimeé -> @rosaimee Kaitlyn L. -> @Goodnight_Saigon Tharron Skylor -> @TharronSkylor Angela Merlo > @light-in-darkness Dorothy Lydia -> @writersblockinmyhead Karl O'Connor -> @KarlOConnor Lynn Santiago -> @LynnS13 Kristin Jacques -> @krazydiamond Tammy Oja -> @tamoja Keri-Lee Kroeger -> @lavinialeigh True Sloan -> @QUEENTES Ismael Zuniga -> @ATellingMind Kevina Oyatedor-> @KevinaOyatedor Wayne Sharpe -> @Wayne_Sharpe Kelly Blount -> @KellyAnneBlount Glyn Hockey -> @OwainGlyn Dalaina Reed -> @willwrite4tacos Shaun Allan -> @ShaunAllan Liz Charnes -> @LizCharnes Johanna Hefer -> @johannahefer Gabriela Cabezut -> @gabycabezut Mary Diamond -> @rdiamond89 Amanda Chaeirs -> @acheairs Gavin Wilson -> @TheOrangutan Leigh W. Stwart -> @LeighWStuart Ugochukwu Nwankwere -> @Gabriel_Pope Kristine Inchausti-> @KristineInchausti