Chapter 1~

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play music

Crystal POV

Waking up the the sound of my alarm going off i groaned"school...."i muttered i don't like going..why? you may wonder because im popular....why do i hate going to school if im popular because people want to be friend so they can be popular aswell i don't want that i want them to be my friends because we get along not just because of popularity....i have friends that like me for me not because im popular...i also hate it because the boys in school always fanboy over me i like it how some notice things different about me  but at the same time its a bit creepy..i get changed into my school uniform i curl my hair and leave it down i put a bit of lip balm on and brush my teeth and head downstairs its normally very loud but its not i have 6 brothers some older some younger i only have 2 full brothers 2 half brothers and 2 step brothers soon to have a little sister who is really no relation to me but i don't care yes i have a step mam and step dad i don't know where my real mam is and my real dad....well he's dead....anyway my two older brothers don't live in Korea they moved my oldest brother Hwan lives in America and my full brother Kwan lives in Australia i still talk to them then its me im the middle child then after me its my younger brothers Haneul then Joon then my youngest brothers Hoon and Chao they are at my aunts and uncles while my Step mam and Step dad are away working,Haneul is 14 and Joon is 13 i'm 16, Kwan is 20 , Hwan is 21,Hoon is 4 and Chao is 2 i like having brothers but i just cant wait to have another sister there are 7 boys in total and 2 girls right now,i finished making breakfast for me and my brothers "HANEUL,JOON BREAKFAST IS READY"i yelled  i heard 2 pairs of feet running i smiled to my self even though Joon is my step brother aswell as Hwan i love them like they are my real brother i smiled at them as they sat down "Thank you Eonnie"They said at the same time and started eating"you're welcome Joon and Haneul"i said smiling and walking towards them,When they finished there breakfast they put there dishes in the sink ready to wash when we got home "come on lets go"i said walking to the door and picking up my school bag "Ok coming"they said picking up there school bags aswell we put our school shoes on they went out the house and waited for me at the gate while i locked the door i put my keys in my bag while walking down the path till the gate "Ok lets go" i said to them smiling we dont walk all the way  to school together they go to a different school to me" "Ok i'll see you when we get home" they nodded "Bye Eonnie"Haneul said hugging me "Bye"..Joon said "Bye Haneul love you"i said "Bye ...Joon"i frowned Joon walked away before i could finish, yes its been a while since my step dad got married to his Mam but he's never warmed up to me or Kwan Haneul looked at me with a sad smile and ran after Joon i smiled sadly i turned around and started walking to my school "CRYSTAL!! YAH PARK CRYSTAL"i header a voice yell i turned around my lips curled into a smile i seen one of my best friends Jasmyne (you know who are told ya i had a something for you) running to me she stopped right in front of me putting her hands on her knees catching her breath "sheesh you walk fast"she said standing up straight i giggled "come on"i said walking she walked beside me

~At School~

We arrived at school we herd some girls whispering "what are they on about?"i asked turning my head to look at Jasmyne "most likely that boy group in our school"she sighed "Excuse me"i herd someone say we looked back in front of us we seen a boy in the year under us"yeah" i said with a small smile on my lips "i was wondering if you wanted to go out somewhere after school"he asked playing with his fingers "oh sorry i have plans today"i said giving him a side smile "its ok"he smiled at me and walked of to his friends "i dont get why so many people ask that"Jasmyne said turning to face me "me either"i said sighing we suddenly hear girls screaming "Really"Jasmyne said sighing i knew who it was as soon as the girls started screaming EXO a group in our school they are play boys and bad boys i dont get why people love them some dont date girls and just flirt with girl after girl while some date girls play with there feelings and then break there hearts i shook my head "they are just a bunch of playboys and bad boys nothing special"i said pushing a strand of hair behind my ear "i need to go to my locker i'll see you in class"Jasmyne said waving to me i nodded i heard girls yelling i looked behind me and seen them i admit they are cute but they are human like the rest of us nothing different i looked forward and started walking into the school to my locker, i got to my locker i opened it and took the things out my bag and put them into my locker i was standing there i heard footsteps behind me i seen a hand rest beside my head "Hey princess"i heard his voice beside my ear i look beside me....

Sehun's Pov

I walked into school with the rest of the boys same thing happening again girls screaming surrounding us wondering why because almost all the girls in the school have a crush on us mainly because of our looks we are the schools playboys and Bad Boys but that doesn't stop girls for liking us but no one dares get on our bad side i never liked any girl in this school but one always catches my eye....Crystal,Park Crystal shes the most beautiful girl in school she is also the kindest and the most caring girl in school everyone loves her Boys fanboy over her every time i see a boy go up and ask her out or something i get jealous , I see her talking to her friend i see her shake her head and push a strand of hair behind her ear i stare at her her friend walks of after a while she walk's of to her locker aswell "I'm going see ya in class"i said looking at Luhan he nodded i pushed my way through the amount of girls in front of me i made my way to the front i sighed and started walking into school looking for Crystal i seem her by her locker i smirked and walked up behind her i slowly put my hand beside her head "Hey Princess"i said beside her ear i seen her head turn towards me i smirked

this is actually my first story for a while it feels nice writing again and i know i left writing without saying anything at all but i want to say thank you so so much to all the followers that stayed with me even though i haven't updated any of my story's apart my my Kpop one shots but that was just recently aswell but thank you so much for all the followers that have stayed with me it means a lot to me and i hope you all enjoyed this part i'll try and update it as fast as possible :) 

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just pretend the girls jacket matches the boys or keep it white what ever one you like

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just pretend the girls jacket matches the boys or keep it white what ever one you like

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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