this world is my reality

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chapter 1 the queen

Every little girls dream is to be a princess but this little girl dreamed of being a queen. She was no ordinary girl. She was not strange either. If you had seen her you would not know she was special.  In fact it was not her that was special but her mind and imagination.

You see this little girl was different. She was so different people believed she was not from this world. She did not see the world the way normal people saw it. She saw it as a dream that she could alter.

The world she lived in was a world full of technology that did everything. If something needed to be done there would be a machine that could do it. The role of a human was dying out as there was nothing for them to do. What would this world be if it had no humans. It would seem that there was no purpose to it.

This little girl I speak of did not see the world she lived in like that. Ever since she could remember she would have dreams of a different world. It would be like an old Kingdom with hardly any technology.  It would be just like the times of the past but people would have magic. normally these would just be dreams but on this little girls 10th birthday it changed.

The girl would now be seeing the dream of this other world when she was not sleeping. It was like a song on repeat. She could not get it out of her head. Every little thing that happened reminded her of the other world.

She began to wonder. She wondered why it was only herthat could she this world. Was it a movie that she really liked? Was this an experience she had in a past life? Whatever it was she could not stop thinking of it. Then it hit her. She began to think of the world she lived in. She began to think that it was all a dream. This whole time she was living in a futuristic world, was a dream. The world she thought she was dreaming of was the real world.

She thought that she had to wake up somehow to get to her real life. Everything she tried failed. For some unknown reason she could not wake up. So she began to wonder again. What if the futuristic world was a blank canvas? What if it was her world? What if it was her world to create? What if the dream she had was not a dream but a vision. What if that vision was a vision of the future in her world.

She decided to believe in that. So she set of on creating a new world. A world that she would be queen and that whatever she said was law.

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