The Man Cave

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Charlotte sat at the computers trying to have minimal conversation with Henry. It was killing her. She lo- strongly liked him. Of course she did. He's her best in the whole world. She can't even remember a day where she didn't talk to Henry. She wanted to talk to him more than anything it was just.... The Bianca of it all.

"Any news on the bad guys?" Henry asked from the other side of the room.

"Nothing yet" she answered vaguely.

"Um.... Ok"

He glanced at her with a look of worry and confusion. She was so focused on Bianca's threat that she didn't realise how much she was hurting Henry. It felt weird for him too. He wasn't used to this. Sure they bickered and argued sometimes but never seriously. She's never stopped talking to him before. He knew something was wrong. You didn't have to be a genius to figure that one out. In a way that actually hurt a bit more. He always thought she told him when she had a problem. Well, that was when she had them. Charlotte rarely had problems. She was always the most level headed in the group. She was normally helping with problems not having them. That being said, it didn't mean she had no problems. He just always assumed that when she did have a problem she told him. He didn't really know what was going on with her though.

"So... Did you see the latest episode of Dog Judge?" He asked hoping to start a conversation.

"No. I was busy" she said.

'Busy listening to my parents argue' she thought to herself.

Charlotte's parents argued more than usual that night. It terrified her but she'll never tell you that. She's strong. She's unbreakable.

Henry was about to attempt another conversation with Charlotte but Ray came into the room before he could.

"You guys can take off early if you want. There's basically no crime in Swellview today" he said casually before leaving again. Even he could see the tension and awkwardness between the two of them. They needed to talk. ASAP.

"Cool. I guess I'll just get on with my homework at home then" She said casually.

Henry instantly saw an opportunity and raced to her side. He missed her. Almost as much as she missed him.

"You don't have to just do homework! We can always hang out!" He said with a grin. She simply stared at him awkwardness.

"Um.... I've got a lot homework. Sorry Henry" she apologised.

It was a sincere apology. She wanted to hang out with him but that's just it. HANGING OUT. It's part Bianca's threat. Normally Charlotte is never intimidated by anyone but this is Bianca. Henry's girlfriend. The person who makes him happy. That's enough to stop herself from saying anything. If Henry is happy then so is she. Well... That's what she says.

"It's cool. I could still walk you home" he offered with a light smile.

She felt herself soften at his kind words. He was being so nice and she was being mean.

"No I can walk myself home" she said politely.

As she walked away she heard a huff frustration and before she knew it there was a small grip on her arm.

"Ok what's up with you? You've barely spoken to me all day! First you didn't show up at lunch, then you gave a poor lie as an excuse, now you're barely saying full sentences around me!" He exclaimed.

"Nothing's up! Now mind your own business!" She said defensively escaping his grip.

She quickly rushed into the elevator but she wasn't quick enough. Henry ran after her and just barely got in with her. The two stayed silent. They got to Junk N Stuff  within seconds (more like forever in Charlotte's eyes) and as soon they did Charlotte rushed out.

Well.... Tried to rush out. Henry was too fast. He dashed ahead and very quickly locked the door. The sign flipped to close in an instant. Her heartbeat picked up as he turned to face her.

"What do you want from me?" She asked helplessly.

"I want to know what's wrong"

"I already told you noth-"

"Don't lie to me Charlotte" he cut her off.

"It's just.... Not something I want to talk about right now" she said quietly

"You don't have to be scared to talk to me" he said putting a hand on her shoulder. She quickly flinched and pulled away making him worried.

"Charlotte..." he began.

"I'm sorry Henry!" She blurted out, taking him by surprise.

"Why are you-" be started asking.

"I've been ignoring you all day and I know that... It's just... I'm going through something" she refrained herself from telling him about Bianca.

Technically she wasn't lying. Her parents arguing non stop really affected her at first and she was still trying to cope. That was something she was going through.

"This is really hard and I just need some time to myself" she said quietly. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

Henry's heart ached watching Charlotte cry. He's only ever seen her cry once. It was when they were 13. Charlotte had been crushing on Mark Johnson for ages. He was the smartest, and cutest, boy in their grade. Every girl in their grade was in love with him. He asked her to the school dance which made her over the moon. However he really was NOT the prince charming she thought he was. The entire night he looked at other girls then at her and would ask "why couldn't dress up as nice as that girl?" Or "Do you really not care about how you look?" A totally self centered jerk. Charlotte still acted like she didn't care but she completely broke when he made a particular comment. Just one sentence that broke her. "Maybe you should try dieting to look like those girls" She couldn't take it. She was completely broken. She wasn't used to the feeling. Charlotte didn't really know what to do. She ran to Henry with fresh tears in her eyes. She explained everything and by the end Henry was fuming. He went up to Mark and straight up punched him in the face. He yelled at him for not treating Charlotte right and dragged her out of the dance. He became extremely protective from that moment on, making sure nobody made her cry but this time he couldn't do anything and he knew it.

"Charlotte talk to me. Please!" He begged desparately.

"I can't! I really want to! More than anything but I just can't!" She snapped.

A look of hurt flashed across his face making her realise what she'd done.

"I'm sorry Hen but this is something I can't talk about. I need to keep this to myself. When the time is right, you'll find out. Please respect that" her voice grew quiet.

He sighed giving in.

"Ok" he said.

She went over to him and hugged him. Tears fell from both their eyes. This was going to be their last hug for a while and they knew it. They needed it. Well Charlotte was in more need of the hug but Henry was a close second.

They needed each other.

He knew that.

She didn't.
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