1st Rant

801 43 47

Have you ever been told "You're stuck in the Creepypasta phase!" or "Creepypasta is just a phase, you'll get over it eventually." Well, I have been told that MANY times by my... quote on quote "friends" and family.

Why can't everyone just accept the fact that I enjoy and like Creepypasta? And it's not a phase, it's a fandom. So please, kindly fuck off to whoever thinks not c:

Also, while still on the topic, I can't tolerate that crap, and I'm very sensitive to whoever talks shit about Creepypasta. I usually can't fight back, because I'm speechless and don't know what to say because I know the bitch is 110% wrong, and my mind is whirling with possibilities of how I can completely burn him but instead I just scream XD.

So please, don't talk shit about Creepypasta if you don't know how c: DAMN...

(Wow, I feel a little better now XD)

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