Chapter 7

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Wow parents walk in at just the right time. I can't believe Dinah and Camila are only in their bra and panties after I told them to get dressed. "Y/N I know you hear your father and I talking to you." I swear sometimes my mom is just so extra. "Yes ma'am."
"Now why are these girls in your room with lack of clothing?" She ask me for the third time.

"Mom, Dad these are my friends Lauren, Camila, and Dinah. We had I sleepover last night." I looked at my parents waiting for their response. They just looked in between all of us and walked out the room. Okay then. I go to my closet and get close for all three of them. "Well that was awkward, but anyways here go clothes. Camila, Dinah y'all can use the guest bathroom since y'all seemed to be a lot more comfortable with each other." They blushed and went out the room. I handed Lauren my clothes next. "My bathrooms right there. I'll wait for you to come out then we can go so I can get you guys home." "You don't have to take me home we could chill if you wanted to my parents aren't expecting me later." "I'd like that." With that being said she turned on her heels and walked into the bathroom. I jumped into my bed groaning into my pillows. Y/B/F/N just had to bust into my room with my parents behind her. After a little while Camila, and Dinah walk back into my room and sit on the edge of my bed. I hear the bathroom door click and put walks Lauren. My clothes is big on her.(Only the realist will know.) There are actually big on everyone, but Camila, and Dinah are going home.

"Well, Camila and Dinah I'm gonna take y'all home and then me and Lauren are going to the mall. "I wanna go." Dinah shouts. Great why did I say that. I wanted alone time with Lauren. I looked over to ask if it was ok but she didn't see me because she was to busy glaring at Dinah. "On second thought I'll just go to Camila's."

A/N: Its short ik I just wanted to publish a little something. So in lunch this girl I sit next to I always catch her looking at me it's not those your weird looks it's the kinda looks when Camila looks at Lauren looks and then she laughs at all my jokes and I mean all of them. I'm like so confused bruh. Help me!!!!

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