bitter harmony

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author's note: hey guys i entered this writing contest and (first prize is 500 $-i'm in it for the money- of course  :D  )  and i'm happy to say that this is my, like, first official book on wattpad! yeah just a big shout out to my friends out there- you guys are the most annoying people EVER! but- you're my friends, so.... BIG HUGS FOR EVERYONE!!!! (you guys know i've been feeling extra-huggable the last few days, i mean, i'm the one who invented the art of the death hug...) 

still looking for my soul (it got eaten),


Prologue Victoria

            I watched the raven laboriously take flight from the branch of the highest pine tree. It seemed almost an ill omen, sitting in my room, watching the moonless night and seeing a raven lighting from a tree. I yawned and turned over in my bed, flopping onto my back, retrieving a book from the teetering piles sprawled around my room. I flipped the book open to a random page;

Dante’s Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto 3:

‘Through me you go to the grief wracked city,

Through me to everlasting pain you go.

Through me you go and pass amongst lost souls.

Justice inspired my exalted creator

I am a creature of the holiest power,

Of wisdom in the highest and of primal love.

Nothing till I was made was made, only

Eternal beings. And I endure eternally.

Surrender all hope, you who enter here!’

The book dropped from my shaking hands. I shuddered, and turned off my reading light, watching the room plunge into darkness. I’d flipped open to when Dante and his guide, Virgil, were about to enter Hell.

And that couldn’t have been more of a coincidence.

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