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dabtan boys

pink prince :
Okay so before we start talking about Yoongi's 'crisis' I'm going to say one thing.

pink prince :
No swearing otherwise I'm not cooking for anyone besides myself and Juan Cock for a week.

no suga :
what the heckeroo why him

pink prince :
Because Juan Cock is a growing boy and needs a balanced diet.

babycock :
i'm not five

pink mama :
You are to me.

babycock :
yeah that's because you're old

pink prince :
Excuse me I am not old

pink prince :
Back when I was your age I had respect for people older then me

taetae :
this isn't fair why doesn't he get a punishment >:(((

pink prince :
Fine if anyone swears I'll take away his overwatch

babycock :

god of destruction :
Moving on, what do you know about this girl, Yoongi? How long have you known each other? How did you meet?

no suga :
well you see we haven't exactly met

jhoe :
you're kidding

taetae :
how do you even know her then

no suga :
i found her phone number written on the wall in the bathroom with 'call or text for a good time' written underneath it so I texted her

jimjam :
oh shizzle

babycock :
shizzle my dizzle it's jesus chrizzle in the hizzle

pink prince :
Juan Cock, sweetie, I love you and you are my favourite but please seek stop.

jimjam :
i didn't know you were into that yoongi

jimjam :
who's got no jams now

god of destruction :
that died years ago jimin shut up

no suga :
i'm not into that stuff!!

no suga :
i texted her to tell her that her phone number was there

no suga :
and then we talked for a little and i scratched out the number for her

jhoe :
whAT!? the infamous min yoongi actually did something for someone otHER THAN HIMSELF!?!?!?!?!?

no suga :
fluff off

no suga :
she's gonna pay me $10 anyways

taetae :
that's sad

god of destruction :
And how long ago was that?

no suga :
two days ago

god of destruction :
for frick's sake

no suga :
but we've talked a lot in the last two days!

no suga :
i've learnt so much about her!!

taetae :
yeah like what

no suga :
that she likes us and her bias is me and she thinks i'm really cool and hot and daddy material

no suga :
and that she went to school with sehun from exo and calls him hoe sehun and sebooty and is friends with the rest of exo and also calls xiumin xiudaddy

no suga :
and she's good friends with all of seventeen and their assistant manager and she's close enough to seungkwan to threaten to kill him

no suga :
and she is really funny and sarcastic and witty and always has the best comebacks

jhoe :
i think he's in deep guys

jimjam :

jhoe :
not that way you uncultured swine

jhoe :
he's crushing real hard

pink prince :
This girl must be amazing to made Yoongi like her in just two days.

pink prince :
I must talk to her, Yoongi give me her phone number.

no suga :
wot no way you will just creep her out

no suga :
what do i do tho

no suga :
how do i tell her she is my type

pink prince :
Yoongi, you've known her for two days. Maybe just wait a bit longer and see how she feels about you.

pink prince :
And by a bit I mean a couple of months.

pink prince :
And also give me her number so I can make sure she is an acceptable person.

god of destruction :
I agree with Seokjin

pink prince :
Aw thanks ~

no suga :
ffs just go fuck already

pink prince has left the chat.

god of destruction :
We already have ;)

god of destruction has left the chat.

jimjam :
ew tmi

babycock :
well i'll be forever scarred now

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