A Perfect Accident (SoulXMaka)

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A Perfect Accident (SoulXMaka)

Soul and Maka had been dating for almost seven years now. They really loved each other a lot. Soul had always wanted a little boy and to propose to Maka, however even though he knew she loved him, he was scared of rejection. Soul always talked about having a son, but Maka wanted to be married and wasn't prepared to be a mother yet. A few days, before their seven year anniversary, they had a serious argument.

"Please, Maka, you know, I've always wanted a son," Soul said looking at Maka hopefully. Every time the question was brought up, Maka would immediately get irritated and defensive.

"I'm not ready to be a mother yet, please don't force me," Maka said huffing in annoyance.

Soul was usually not so pressing on the matter, but for some reason, hearing her answer made him angry, "for more than six years, I've been patient! And I've always waited for you to be ready, but you're still telling me to wait?!" Soul got up and stormed out of the room, heading for the front door.

"Hey," Maka called standing up walking after him, "y-you're not being fair!" Soul kept storming away and swung open the door angrily. "I want to be married first," Maka cried trying to make up an excuse watching Soul walk out the door. She didn't want to end up like her parents, making her cautious about having children and getting married.

Their seventh anniversary was coming up in a few days and Soul finally had gathered up the courage to propose to Maka and apologize to her. On the day of their seventh anniversary, Soul went back home. Soul knocked on the door hoping Maka would forgive him and at least listen to him. Maka opened the door reluctantly not remembering it was their anniversary but remembering he had stormed off angry with her.

Soul instantly pulled Maka into a hug, "Hey Maka, I'm so sorry about being an idiot...... Please forgive me........" Maka stood there motionless and speechless as he pulled away, "it's our seventh anniversary today...."

Maka smiled, remembering that today was in fact their anniversary, "it's okay, honey, I forgive you." She looked down at the floor sheepishly, ".....just give me time..... I swear, we'll be a family and I'll make you a father someday....."

Soul lifted up Maka's chin smiling, "guess what, babe, I got a surprise for you." Maka looked at Soul curiously as he took her left hand and began to kneel down on one knee. Maka eyes instantly widened and she began to feel happy tears welling up. Soul reached in his jacket pocket pulling out a small black box. Soul opened the box facing the ring towards her hesitantly, "Maka......will you.....marry me?...."

Maka instantly hugged Soul around the neck and began crying, "yes!" Soul smiled slipping the ring onto her finger. Maka put her hands on his face pulling him into a kiss. After a few moment Maka broke away smiling and wiping her happy tears off her face, "I have a surprise for you too."

Soul smiled as he wiped her face clean too, "oh really, what is it?"

Maka stood up laughing as she went into another room and came back with a pair of keys. Soul stood up with his jaw dropped, "don't tell me...."

Maka closed her eyes smiling holding her hand out with the keys, "go check the garage."

Soul instantly pulled Maka into a hug, "I love you!" Soul knew Maka had bought him that motorcycle he had seen awhile back and joked about wanting to buy. He knew he secretly wanted it, but he was more interested in buying Maka a wedding ring.

Maka laughed hugging him back, "I love you too." Maka pulled away laughing, "want to test it out?"

Soul eyes gleamed happily, "hell yeah." Maka shook her head laughing as she got up and walked into the garage with Soul. Soul climbed on and gestured for Maka to sit behind him, "we can go to the beach, you know, where I finally asked you out."

Maka nodded smiling, "sounds fun." She hugged Soul as he pulled on his helmet and they began to make their way to the beach. On the way there, Soul was speeding at 120 mph down an almost empty road.

Soul laughed at the wind blowing past him, "isn't this fun?"

Maka hugged Soul tighter, clenching her eyes shut, "no, it's not! Stop it, slow down!"

Soul shrugged, "then tell me you love me."

Maka squeezed him tighter, "fine, I love you. SLOW DOWN!"

"Hey, Maka, give me a hug," Soul said plainly as he still continued to speed down the road. Maka hugged Soul tightly frightened by how fast they are going. Soul tilted his head, "could you take the helmet off me and put it on you? It's bugging me." Maka takes off the helmet and puts it on.

After a few days, Maka woke up in the Intensive Care Unit. She was told Soul had rammed into a road divider and died instantly on impact......... The truth is that halfway down the road, Soul realized the brakes weren't working and gas pedal was stuck....... He didn't want to worry Maka, so he didn't tell her. Instead, he had her say 'I love you,' and hug him tightly one last time. Then he had her wear his helmet, so she could possibly survive, even though it meant his death was certain.....

A few days later, Maka was released from the ICU and was placed in Recovery. There, she would find out she was pregnant. After she was released from the hospital, she went back home to pack up Soul's belongings. In the process she found Soul's journal..... On the day of his death, he wrote the following:

'November 25

Ever since I started dating Maka, I always knew I wanted to marry her. She was the girl I finally wanted to settle down with and have a family. Because of Maka, I've always wanted a son. I always dreamt about raising him into a bright, wonderful, child. Maka would have our son intelligent and I'd teach him how to be cool and a gentleman. I've always dreamt about how much fun it would be to be a father and a family.

All these years I've been thinking about a suitable name and now have picked one for him. Wes, even though it's my older brother's name, he's the reason I even decided to come to Death City. If I hadn't resented Wes so much, I never would have left home and came here. As a way to say I'm sorry and I've always liked the name, I think it'd be a good name for our unborn son. I'm sure Maka will like it too, she's always talking about how nice Wes is anyway.

The argument me and Maka had recently really hurt me though. It made me realize that Maka is more important in my life than anyone else and I shouldn't have gotten so angry. I finally have worked up the courage to pop up the big question too. Hopefully, she doesn't make my worst fear come true and tell me no............

It doesn't matter whether I have a child or not anymore, I'll be happy as long as I'm with Maka. If she decides she wants to start a family along the way, then that's a plus for me, but I'm happy just being with her.

I hope she forgives me for being an ass the other day and then ignoring her calls and text messages afterwards...... I hope that doesn't affect her answer when I ask her to marry me...... Hopefully not, if you're snooping around in my stuff Maka and you're reading this, it probably means you said yes. I love you babe, even if you said no. Till death do us part,

Love, Soul'

Many months later, Maka gave birth to Soul's child...... The child was a boy and his name is Wes......

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