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mll.vs: I wish my parents didn't hate me so much.

toughkookeh: dude u gotta stop

toughkookeh: i dont kno u so i dont rlly wanna hear about ur problems

toughkookeh: srry that was a bit rude

mlls.vs: It's fine.

mll.vs: It's not the first time someone's said that to me.

! Message deleted

toughkookeh: so... wats ur name?

toughkookeh: do i kno u?

toughkookeh: do we go to the same school??

toughkookeh: how old are u???

toughkookeh: dont ignore meh pls ;-;

mll.vs: That's for you to find out.

toughkookeh: oooh mysterious ;)

toughkookeh: that's kinda hot ;))))))

toughkookeh: srry that was my friend

toughkookeh: he's a douche tbh :/

toughkookeh: hello?

toughkookeh: r u mad ;-;

toughkookeh: pls dont be mad T-T

toughkookeh: im sawry

toughkookeh: i dont kno wat i did wrong tho

toughkookeh: ?????

toughkookeh: :((

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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