Chapter 2- when the past returns

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Hey guys! If you haven't read chapter 1-background make sure to read that one first so it makes sense and I'm so glad you guys have read this far into it :) thank you again enjoy chapter 2-when the past returns!!!!
Reader POV
'It's been 10 years hange..'
'Where are you hiding?' You think holding the knife.
"Captain (y/n)" you turn to face one of your cadets "yes" you quietly say "we found her."
'Finally' you think to yourself
"Where?" You speak calmly to the cadet
"In the wall" he replies
"The wall?" You say quickly and sigh "Prepare the horses, retrieve 3 more cadets and get ready i cannot promise what will ride into."
"Yes captain" the cadet leaves
You turn to face the picture that is slightly burned on the edges " traitor.." you tie your (h/l) (h/c) up in a ponytail/bun, and slip on
Your merchant outfit.
'What are you doing within the wall? I thought your parents were dead. You left us for dead when we needed you most, you left your friend when she needed you most you said you would return and you didn't.' You placed the knife into your boot. "Tonight. You die hange." And with that you put down the picture frame face down against the table and walk out to get on your horse.
"Captain what are we to do" one cadet says to your left
"We ride into town and tell the guards we are there for merchant work. After we show them our I.d we immediately split up once we are through the gates." You throw them all pictures "be cautious of these people they are part of the survey corps and if hange is as big as a loud mouth as ever they most likely will already know who we are. Keep your heads down and blend in" you say getting your horse ready to run "yes captain!" They all say in unison "to the wall!" You all rise quickly into the morning preparing for the reunion of a lifetime.
-----back to the other povs-----------
'Morning...' hang thought to herself, she has a light headache and with the way her room looked she remembered why. She came in crying after dinner and started to throw things around. You were upset and you didn't know how Erwin and Levi were going to treat you from here on out now that they know the truth. 'Better get ready for breakfast' hange jumps off the bed and gets dressed leaving her messy room behind to make her way to the mess hall, as she enters Levi and Erwin are waiting for her at the table she sits quietly and slowly begins to eat the mush.
"Hange" Erwin begins sharing glances with Levi
She looks up.
"We didn't mean to upset you, we just wanted to know the truth it's in the past...ok?"
Hange swallows painfully almost about to cry again "you're's the past...I'm sorry for not saying something sooner."
Levi quietly sips his tea and stares intently at the mess hall door, why did he feel like something was off today?
---at the market place in wall rose-----
One of your cadets horses makes it way towards you the cadet leans in "no sign of her on the west wing, and no sign of the corps either." He whispers "ok.. keep and eye out if anything we may need to change the plan." You look over cause you hear two old ladies talking about how it is breakfast for those lying bastard(the survey corps). You look towards the building and think then look back at your cadet. "Get everyone in the center, I have a plan." "Yes captain" he rides off to retrieve everyone. 'Are you with them traitor?' 'They will not protect you for long' you think evilly at the building
---as everyone gathers----
"Captain what's the plan?" A girl cadet asks
"I get captured"
"What?!" They all say together in shock
"Yes. That is the only way I can get in without suspicion and check around. I will steal from a merchant and keep running till they send a corp out to retrieve me, when I am within the building you all are not to approach until the deed is complete do you understand me?" You say pulling your hood to hide your face.
"Yes captain!" They say
"That means if I am not out by tonight go home and return in the morning" you hop off your horse and hand the reins to one of the cadets "now get lost!" "Yes!" They all disappear as you make your way over to a table.
"HI! Welcome to my shop of goodies what can I help you with today?!" A big man says happily you sneer at his happiness. "I want fruit" you quickly say "well I am happy you chose my stand, for I, have the freshest fruit you can ever lay your eyes on!" He says showing you to the fruit section "thanks..old man" you say quickly grabbing a hand full of fruit and running off away from the shocked and mad old merchant "STOP! THIEF!!!SOMEONE GET THE CORPS!!!" He screams around
------back at the mess hall------
Breakfast was coming to an end as everyone was packing their things a few cadets ran out of the mess hall all geared up, everyone looked shocked "what's going on with those idiots and why are they dressed?" Levi says irritated, they all wait in silence as a few minutes later they hear the cadets return with an unknown voice shouting at them through the doorway.
"Let me go you  buffoons!! " the thief yells struggling to get out of their grasp, they barge through the door and walk the thief over to the commander, Levi and hange.
"Commander Erwin!" He salutes
Erwin stands up
"We caught this thief stealing from a merchant." One cadet says
"Take her to my office, hange, Levi come with me."
You all leave together, as you leave Levi turns around and faces the cadets all staring confused "shitty beats get out to the field and train! " they all quickly run to the field as fast as they can.
----Erwin's office-----
"Get in there!" The cadet throws you to the ground
"Ow!" You say giving them a dirty look
Hange, Levi and Erwin all walk in and tell the cadets to leave, with a salute Levi closes the door.
"Tsk pathetic thief." Levi says sitting to your right as hange and Erwin sit in front of you. You study the room and notice a girl who matches hange and think to yourself 'gotcha'
"So." Erwin begins "what to do with you" he says leaning forward reaching for your hood, with a swift movement you grab the knife and slit Erwin's hand away and charge at hange, now knowing to you, the man on your right is no longer there and has already tackled you to the ground.
"Stay the hell down!" Levi yells
'He's a lot stronger than he looks..shit' you think and look at how close you had gotten.
"Erwin let me help you" hange yells grabbing some cloth to tie his wounds
"Thank you hange" he glares at you "so you dare do that to someone who was going to let you off with a me her face Levi!" Erwin commands with a swift movement Levi lifts the hood and reveals your face you look up to see a shocked hange, and a surprised Levi and Erwin.
"How's it going...hange..long time no see, traitor." You deadly whisper at her
A tear falls from her face as she covers her mouth "(y-y-y/n) can't be..I saw the ruins...everyone was" she broke out "I'm alive" you finish her sentence "and you betrayed us, so I've come to kill you" you say to her
"I never betrayed you, (y/n) what are you saying?! I returned to you after the wall fell. I saw what happened you were no where to be seen" hange says reaching towards you "LIAR!" You scream looking away "you never returned in time! You left us all to die we lost everyone!!!!!" You scream at her with a tear falling "I thought you were my friend."
"I am!" Hange says holding her breaking heart
"LIAR! Stop it right now " out of anger you get out of levis grasp and lunge at hange choking her. Erwin and Levi pull you off as Levi pins you down again
"GET THE GUARDS! Get her outta her take her to the cellar!" Erwin commands, you peer over your shoulder at a collapsed and crying hange as you get taken away. You look away and hiss silently to yourself  " so close" as the door closes leaving the crying girl behind "I almost had her friends, she will pay.." you say silently .
-----end of chapter 2---------

Hey guys that's the end of chapter 2 hope it was as good as chapter 1 and you guys are still interested cause there are more chapters to come remember leave a comment or like it if you enjoyed the story . I want to hear everyone's comebacks! Bye see you soon!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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