yandere kadaj

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This one’s for mushkaquiroa! I hope you like it! I’ll be working on Axel next.


You were walking around Midgar. For days you’ve been having this feeling like someone had been watching you. It freaks you out, yet you still didn’t tell any of your friends. You didn’t want to worry them; they have enough trouble as it is.

When you look up, you were at Tifa’s bar, 7th Heaven. How did I end up here? you wonder. Oh well. I might as well go in and talk to the others.


As you walk in, you saw that some of the others were, in fact, here. Tifa, who noticed you the moment you entered the bar, immediately waved at you to catch your attention.

“Hi, (y/n),” she greeted as you walked over to the counter. “What brings you here today?”

“Uh,” you thought for a moment. “I was in the neighborhood so I thought I’d stop by and see how you were doing?”

“Oh, well why you don’t have a drink then?” Tifa suggested.

“Sure.” You sit down on the stool and have a few drinks. After a few minutes, later you heard the door open, but didn’t turn around to look. You felt someone cover your eyes, and accidentally let out a startled gasp.

“Guess who?” You knew that voice anywhere.

You turned around in your seat and playfully hit the grinning redhead on the shoulder. ”Reno, don’t do that!“ You cross your arms, half-heartedly glaring at him.

Putting up his hands in surrender, he began to smile. “Okay, okay, jeez! Can’t a guy play around with his girlfriend?” And so you and Reno had a few drinks before it was finally time for you to return home.

When you arrived on your doorstep, the two of you said your goodbyes before you unlocked your door and went inside. As soon as you shut it behind you, a sneaking suspicion appeared in the back of your mind. But that was just silly; who else but you is in your house?

As you walked upstairs and into your room, preparing to go to bed, something hit you upside your head, knocking you out cold.

When you came to, your head hurt like a son of a bitch. You tried to get up, but couldn’t when you realized you had been tied to each of the four posts at the corners of your bed.

What the hell…? you thought confusedly. How did this happen? Where am I? You look around to find something you could use to cut the ropes that bound your hands when the bedroom door opened. A strange man with shoulder-length sliver hair and green cat like eyes entered and grinned down at you.

“Well, I see you’ve finally woken up,” he says, walking over to your bed.

“Who are you?” you ask, repeating your thoughts out loud. “Where am I?”

“That’s not important,” he said, kneeling down at your side to brush your hair back. “What is important is that you are finally mine… and that no one else will ever have you.” As he said this, he closed the distance between your nearing faces and kissed you. Not wanting the stranger to have his way, you bit down hard on his lips. Your teeth brought his blood to the surface of his skin, but it didn’t faze him whatsoever.

Tears were started to fall out of your eyes. How could this happen to me? You let out a heavy breath of relief when he finally stopped kissing you before gathering up your saliva and spitting up at him. It landed just inches down from his chin and on his black jacket, and as a result, he slapped you across the face. Because your hands were tied, you were unable to soothe your stinging cheek. The man sighed.

“Well, then,” he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.  “If you won’t be mine willingly, then maybe this will change your mind.” He looked back at the door. “Brothers, bring him in here.” With your eyes raised in burning fury, two other men came into the room, dragging a tied up and badly beaten Reno along with them.

“Reno!” you cried, turning on the men in rage. “What did you do to him?!”

“What did you do to her, you son of a bitch?!” Reno shouted, struggling as best he could against their iron hold. Ignoring his words, the first strange man began to smile.

“Now…” he pressed his fingertips together and stared down at you. “I’m going to give a choice. If you do as I say, we’ll let him live. If you don’t, he dies. So, (y/n)…which is it?”

“Don’t do it, (y/n)!” Reno pleaded weakly, as one of them had kicked him just a moment ago. Staring at him and taking up all that was his bruised and bleeding body, you realized you had no choice but to let the man do as he pleased.

“Fine,” you say quietly. “I’ll… I’ll do as you say.” The man’s smile grew wider and more intense.

“Good choice. Loz, Yazoo: take him away.”

“No, (y/n)!” Reno shouted to you as they began pulling him back out from the room.

“Where are they taking him?!” you ask angrily, struggling just as much as Reno had just moments ago.

“He’ll be fine,” he assured you, placing a hand on your forehead. “Well, as long as you hold up to your end of the deal.” But little did you know that once they got far away enough, they killed him.

“By the way,” he pulled off his gloves and tossed them onto your bedside table. “My name is Kadaj. I just thought you should know it, since that’s what you’ll be screaming tonight.” 

Despite your efforts to hold in your tears, they all came out at once, along with your cracking sobs and shaking fits. Kadaj chuckled.

“Don’t cry, (y/n),” he whispered in your ear. “Who knows? You just might like it.”

And after that night, you one saw you or Reno ever again.


Hey CoolKat122 here. please don't forget to leave a comment(I love comments) on what you think and maybe heart/follow that is all my little kittens

Hope I didn’t disappoint you, mushkaquiroa! 
I really tried my best on this, but I’ll try to do better on Axel.





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