Chapter 5: 'You're coming with me'

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Angela's POV

I can't believe what happened last night.
"Angela be careful !"
"What ? Oh omg " and I spiled my juice everywhere
"I'm sorry aunt Carol"
"It's ok honey. But where was your mind ?"
" nowhere ! Nowhere..." I say . I don't think that they need to know what happened between me and David yesterday.
"Well ok...take a sit then and I'll serve you "
"No no it's ok I'm not that hungry anyway. Besides you're tired you should go and sleep like uncle Bill. And Jenna will be here any time soon.."


"See she's here. Gotta go I love you bye. " I say to my aunt while  I'm kissing her for goodbye.

"Goodmorning Angie " Jenna greets me
" morning Jenna " i say
"So how was your day yesterday ? Did that guy talked you again or..."
"Girl you have no idea"
" what did anything happened ?"
" it's not about that guy don't worry...but yeah something happened.."
" what ? Girl tell me ! "
" Wait until Nadia comes "
"I'm here what happened ?" I hear Nadia asking as soon as she got into the car and sitting on the front sit
" Angela has something to tell us that happened yesterday" Jenna says
"What, what is it ?" Nadia says
"Well..first of all...David is back in town " I say
" WHAT ? David is back ?!?" I hear Jenna practically screaming
" woah those are really great news but that wasn't what you were gonna tell us was it ?" Nadia says. She knows me too well
"Well no there is more.." i say
" well tell us !" Nadia continues
"..He kissed me !" I say with a shy smile on my face

" woah Jenna take it easy " Nadia says to Jenna who almost lost completely the control of her car Wtf?
"Sorry" she says
" wait so you're telling me that your 'big brother '/ childhood crush came back In town , came to your house and kissed you ?!"
"Well...yeah "
" Angela !!! Those are great news !! Aren't they Jenna ?"
" Yeah. Great "
" I don't know I mean it feels weird I didn't believe that this could ever happened...ahh I'm so confused "
" I understand. But the thing is...what do you feel..?" Nadia asks. And yeah what I feel ? What I'm feeling about David ? I haven't think about it in many years mostly because I didn't believe that he would ever liked me but yet here we are... it looks like I have to find out eventually what I'm feeling about all of this.
" ok here we are " I hear Jenna saying while parking on colleges parking lott.


I have one more class and then I'm done but I honestly don't feel so well. I think that that overthinking made my head hurt, 'what a surprise ' ahh I should stop doing that. Or it could also be cause Im wearing only a tank top and a pair of skinny jeans while fall has officially replaced summer...but i guess I refuse to believe it..!


Finally the last ring !
Ahh I have to go home..but where is Jenna
"Hey have you seen Jenna ?" I say to a girl from Jennas class
"No" great
" Hey have you seen Jenna? " I ask another one
" Yeah she actually left an hour ago"
What ?
" really ?...oh ok thanks"
Oh Jenna why didn't you tell me anything !? Ahh I guess I have to ask Alex
" Hey Angela !" I hear Alex and Nadia greet me . Perfect timing
" hi guys "
" Angela, me and Alex we are gonna go on a date so tell Jenna that I'm not going to come with you today ok?" A date ? Just kill me already.
" ...ok" i say with a fake smile on my face
" Angela ? Are you ok?" I hear Alex asking me
" yeah yeah I'm fine" I say
" are you sure ?"
" yeah yeah. Ok bye guys have fun." I say and I leave.
I guess I'm gonna walk until home . Well it can't be that bad I mean my home isn't too far from my college and maybe walking into fresh air will be good .

So I started walking my way home. I was walking for 5 minutes and honestly I was feeling a lot better .
" gosh why my eyes water whenever I yawn ?"
I wish my mascara didn't run !
So I take a small mirror that I have in my bag for emergency to check if everything is ok.
" ok great everything looks ahh"
What the f*ck !
I think I saw someone watching me
I take my mirror again in order to see If i was right and yes that man was still there watching me.
-omg what do I do ? What do I do?-
I started moving my mirror from left to right and omg..
- they are more !?-
Omg omg what am I gonna do ? And who are they .? Why all these guys dressed in black are following...guys in black ?! Wait! Are they the guys that Grayson was telling me about ? Well I'm not just gonna stay here to find out.

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