Chapter Four

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Kiara gave Grace a small wave and the tiniest smile as Grace pulled out of her drive way. Grace didn't smile back, too worried about her friend to feel, or display, any happy emotions. Kiara dropped the act as soon as Grace's car was out of her line of sight. She then sighed and walked inside. It was deadly calm inside so Kiara tip toed to the living room.

"Mom?" Kiara called nervously. Then, she spotted her laying on the couch on her phone.

"What?" Kaira's mom spat out, obviously annoyed.

"I just wanted to say I love you," Kiara said. It wasn't the complete truth but it wasn't a lie. Kiara did love her mother but she was really looking to see if Emma Lee was being taken care off.

"I love you too now go," her mother replied emotionless without glancing up from her phone. Kiara nodded even though her mom couldn't see and walked swiftly to her room. She closed the door gently and leaned back on it. She slowly fell to the floor along with her tears.

She didn't even lift her hands to wipe the tears away. She was just so used to crying that she that fat tears roll off her face and onto her shirt. Kaira didn't sniffle either, rather just sitting there and silently letting her emotions pour down her face.

Then, just as quickly as it started, it was over. Kiara had managed to make herself pass out on her floor, up against the door, from crying. Pathetic, she thought as she drifted asleep.


Caity❤️❤️❤️- Babe
(Sent 11:56) (Read)

Caity❤️❤️❤️- Babbbbbbe
(Sent 11:59) (Read)

Caity❤️❤️❤️- Anwse me
(Sent 12:05) (Read)

Caity❤️❤️❤️- ^Answer
(Sent 12:05) (Read)

Caity❤️❤️❤️- If you don't answer, I'm going to hurt myself
(Sent 12:11) (Read)

Caity ❤️❤️❤️ Sent A Picture
(Sent 12:23) (Read)

Kaira - Sorry babe, I fell asleep.
(Sent 2:56)

Kaira sighed and rubbed her aching back. She quickly deleted the picture that Caity had sent to her, feeling void of any emotion. The weight of the day, or rather the day before, was finally resting on her shoulders. She tried to shake the thoughts out if her head but she couldn't shake one word.


It had Kaira thinking about Caity's actions and words. It made her question how much she loved her girlfriend. She truly hated it. She told herself not to dwell on the past but it struck her like a slap to the face every time she whispered it gently to herself. It was not the past nor the future but the present.

That thought alone made everything so much more real. She could feel her thoughts digging from her brain to her throat were they sat, waiting to be screamed out as loudly as possible. But those words also clogging her throat at the same time. Making he feel as if she couldn't breath.

There she stood though, in the dim lighting of the warm, Michigan night, breathing. It was if a war that seemed impossible to win had been won as she shoved all the thoughts from her head. Then, just to break her rejoice of her newfound victory, came a ding from her phone.

Kaira - Sorry babe, I fell asleep.
(Sent 2:56) (Read)

Caity ❤️❤️❤️ - You fell the fuck asleep?! When I needed you the most?! Fuck you! You are the worst girlfriend!
(Sent 3:09) (Read)

Kaira - I'm sorry.
(Sent 3:09) (Read)

Caity ❤️❤️❤️ - I'm sorry? I'm sorry?! THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOUR SELF?! You're such a fucking cunt!
(Sent 3:10) (Read)

Kaira - Please stop yelling.
(Sent 3:11) (Read)

Caity ❤️❤️❤️ - Don't tell me what the fuck to do
(Sent 3:11) (Read)

Kaira - Okay, I won't ever again and I'll try harder to be awake when you need me.
(Sent 3:12) (Read)

Caity ❤️❤️❤️ - You better not just fucking try but be
(Sent 3:13) (Read)

Caity ❤️❤️❤️ - And I'm coming to pick you up right now
(Sent 3:13) (Read)

Kaira - Okay.
(Sent 3:14) (Read)

But everything was not okay for Kaira. Her stomach did flip flops as she quickly changed her clothes. A light blue, short sleeve shirt and a pair of bright pink pants. She then snuck downstairs, a seemingly easy task. It usually was too but not that day. For, that day, Kaira's mother was passed out on the couch with a half empty of whiskey next to her and Emma Lee crying in the corner.

Kaira bit the inside of her mouth and quietly walked into the living room. She softly cooed out her sister's name and Emma Lee took notice of her sister. Emma Lee shakily stood up and walked towards her sister, her hands up and making grabby motions. Kaira picked her sister and Emma Lee placed her head on Kaira's chest. She swayed her hips making Emma Lee fall asleep on her. The doorbell rang causing Kaira's eyes to fly open. Emma Lee shifted against her as Kaira moved to the door

"It's open babe," Kaira called out, being careful to not be to loud. The door opened and there stood her girlfriend. She was dressed in a pair of black pants and a Panic At The Disco T-shirt. Her hair was straightened but still puffed out against the flat iron's will. What scared Kaira the most was her brown eyes that were narrowed in on the sleeping child within her arms.

"Who the fuck is this," Caity spat out, hate clear in her voice. Kaira instinctively held her sister closer to her and dropped her eyes to the ground in submission.

"M-my sister," Kaira stuttered out. She mentally cursed at herself for the stutter. Kaira yelped in pain as Caity slapped her check, hard. Tears welled in the frightened young woman's eyes.

"I'm sorry," Kaira stated even though she was unsure why she was just slapped.

"You're such a fucking bitch!" Caity screamed. Kaira wanted to disappear into oblivion. She also wanted to stand up for herself but there was no way she was going to. 'Never, Kaira thought, I'll take it like a good girl.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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