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2 weeks later i investigated about my mother's death ,I found out the man who i saw in the old house was the one who killed my mom.I remembered what he said I will kill your family
And I saw the picture of the old house in the police station i also saw the man in the picture i ask the policewoman what happened to that man in the picture she answered with a sigh
That man in the picture? He was murderd in that house it is his  house
His name is  James Snow it happened 10 years ago . I got home and saw Jacob talking to the man who killed my mother it was James Snow. I shouted to Jacob saying Don't talk to that man he is the reason why mom isn't alive anymore . Jacob answered confusingly What are you saying? He is my father don't you know that? I was so shocked that i can't answer him He continued then Oh! I almost forgot you didn't knew my father because you where just a baby when he died! then his eyes turned to black the same with his father's eyes i run fast as i could but I didn't made it they ate all my organs and left me in my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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