Ch 9- Moves

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Jungkook set down his phone and moved to go get changed. He threw  on a loose white top and some ripped skinny jeans, and then flew down the stairs. Swinging the door wildly open, it came into contact with another person.

"wHOA WHAT THE HELL?" Yelled the person on the floor, reeling from shock.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay? I am so sorry but I was running out for dinner and I didn't think..."

That's when Jungkook finally took a look at the person he knocked down. It was a gorgeous man, with buttery lips and honey skin, his hair sparkling under the restaurant lights. He stood up quickly, slightly flustered.

"It's okay, I was on my way up anyway." He moved for the door but Jungkook blocked him.

"Hey do you know what you're doing? This isn't part of the restaurant, sir"

"Oh yeah I know, I'm Taehyung's friend. Is he upstairs?"

"Yeah... If you see him let him know I left for dinner and to not wait up for me."

The man nodded and headed up the stairs as Jungkook stepped out to the street. He grabbed his phone and made a call. It rang three times before the person on the other line hastily picked up.


"Yo, where did you decide to eat?"

A snicker shot through the receiver
"Do you know where ------ is?"


"Across the street from that."

"Okay... I'll see you in a minute then, I'm on my way."

Jungkook set off towards his destination. It was a nice evening, but it was chilly out. He regretted not grabbing a coat before he left.
'That's what you get from leaving Tae... Karma's a bitch, self.'
Finally reaching the place, he was set back.

It was a giant club, the base from inside was blasted so much that the sidewalk was vibrating. A cold sweat broke out across Jungkooks' back.

"Well, this is going to be interesting, to say the least."

Jimin ran from the door to meet him and pulled him into the throng inside. He immediately pulled the younger towards the bar, but Jungkook was reluctant.

"I'M UNDER AGE, JIMIN. I CAN'T DRINK" he had to yell to be heard over the pounding music.

"CAN'T OR WON'T?" Jimin retorted.
Ignoring Jungkook's protest, he turned to the bartender and ordered four tequila shots. He jammed two into Jungkook's hand and kept the other two for himself. He quickly swallowed them and then forced the other two down the younger's throat.

It burned as it went down, a sickly feeling took over Jungkook's body. Panicking and uncomfortable, he broke free of Jimin's grasp and slid into the crowd to hide. He found a secluded corner and leaned against the wall for support. Since he had never drank alcohol, it hit him hard and fast. Reeling from the effects, he did not realize that all around him were couples sucking face. When he finally realized this, he was reminded of earlier in the bathroom. His blush tripled, but he knew that he liked it. A lot. Taehyung was hiding it, but he knew that he was feeling for Kook, and hard. Just then, a figure made his way towards Jungkook. He was clearly drunk out of his mind, because he was weaving through the crowd as he spilled drops of his drink on the floor.

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