Will you ever come back?

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παιδιά δεν μπορώ αυτήν την στιγμή κλαίω. Ο Harry στην συνέντευξη κυριολεκτικά είπε πως δεν  είναι καθόλου αν θα γυρίσουν πίσω καθόλου και εγώ αυτήν την στιγμή πεθαίνω. Δείτε το βίντεο


*Did you heard the interview?

I was like :Wait, first you promised that you'll come back and the you just came and say If we want we will come back.

Why they do this to me T.T

*How could they do this to us? They PROMISED, every one of them. Why did they lead us on like that? I didn't think they were like that. Things and life happen, and I realize that, but they were so adamant about coming back that I feel severely cheated, even though I still love each one of them so very much.

*My life is over if they don't get back together

*Guys it's boy band history, once they say they are going on a "break", they never get back together.

*Honestly my life will be over I never got to go to a concert but always looked them up on youtube when I was feeling upset and if it's not there anymore I'm not sure what my "rock" will be anymore.

*no we won't. they brought happiness to my boring life.they make me smile when I'm sad. so yea my life would be broken😫😫😫👈😫

*They will because of Niall even if it's not till December 2017! Niall will get them back😂

*according to Liam, he said the hiatus will take 2 years

*Awww, my eyes are burning☹️😭 Nooooo i'am gonna cryy they where a history 😢 is it officialy over?!! It feels like loosin someone

 *if they are not back then I'm not going back to anywhere I'll stay at home listening to up all night on replay while laying on my bed crying and whispering "Im still waiting darlings" 

* Oh my fucking god 1D is definitely getting back together, Harry just said that he wanted a natural reunion. The interview hasn't even come out yet and for all we know this could be fake. The new 1D merch just came out and they added "future events" on their website as well as a new 2016-2017 one direction calendar. Do you need them to all gather around you to confirm it?

*But didn't they promise to never break up in the first place and they did?

* I get what Harry means, he just doesn't want an exact date in 2017, he wants a natural one when they call each other up & say "let's get back together now!" but I know they will get back, because they're loyal to us & wouldn't break a promise

*they never said that "they were never going to break up" lol, because we all know one day they will. & they haven't yet. they'll come back.

*These boys have given me the best 5 years of my life and I truly can say I feel like it's time. All good things must eventually come to an end. They're getting older, more distant from each other, and beginning their own lives. I don't think that's a bad thing, it sad but definitely not bad. I loved them all together and I'll absolutely love them separately. One direction may be over but they'll forever be alive in my heart.

*n0 d0nt think that,they gonna come back..they don't say to media that they not come back guys.so be positive guys please

*Omg people calm down they have promised us like a million times that they are coming back!!!

*They promised to get back together but do you really think they care about how much people they promised? It doesn't look like they are getting back together and they all seem happy on their own for now.

* would be so sad id they didn't come back together I mean they have been there for me even just by watching crappy quality youtube concert videos. My life...

*reunion 20 years later 😂

 *too many things have been going on this year. my life is over if one direction is over 

*  I'm a guy directioner. And I'm straight to I feel for all of you girls, I feel the same way I've been a huge fan since 2011 and I'm a guy.

*One Direction is not breaking up if they break up that means they're breaking the promise to us and that will break my heart because they're supposed to come back June 22 of 2016

*to be quite honest I could really give a crap about them if they come back they come back if they don't like them you know it doesn't really bug me. honestly I got better things to do than focus on One Direction and if they may or may not come back... reading other comments people are like Die Hard One Direction fans which I get but people go a little too far I think

*Even if there isn't a reunion I'm still so proud of them 😭

*It's not all over. They will come back better than ever in summer-fall 2017

*No I feel they will comeback 😭❤️😢

*It's like Big Time Rush all over again

*I figured they weren't getting back together when they took said "break" they're all older and they might want to find someone,settle down a bit or launch their solo career. Either way I'm laying in my bed and crying for the next week

*My life will be crushed if they're not coming back together i swear

*I'm still believing they will come back... I trust Niall and Louis

*There will be a reunion. I mean how can we not have one and see one on tv

*one direction is my life....😭😭😭😭😭😭please come back one direction😭😭


*harryyyy😦 u've gotta help me, i'm losing my mindkeep getting the feel u want leave this all behindi thought we were going strong, are we???😢

*First Zayn promised and he broked it, then Liam, the same goes to Niall, and Louie and lastly, Harry freakin Styles!!! WHY DID I CHOOSE TO LOVE THIS BAND IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! I HAVE BEEN IN THIS FANDOM FOR 6 FREAKIN YEARS.....WHY DOES IT HAVE TO END SO FREAKIN BAD??!?!?!?!?!?

*NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! 1D is MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!😭😭😭 they better get bk together as a band or im gonna drown in my own tears😭😭😭 it was supposed to be a break!!! Dang it!!! Life is over

*of course they will come back

* PLEASE!!!!!!! I don't know what im gonna do if you guys are over :'( please,please stay with us :'(

Δεν ξέρω τι να κάνω! Είναι η ζωή μου! Και μην μου πει κάποια κάτι για την άποψή μου γιατί εγώ δεν την αλλάζω. Δεν ξέρω αν το πιστεύω ή όχι, αλλά εάν τελειώσουν...δεν ξέρω τι θα κάνω και το εννοώ πως θα στεναχωρηθώ πάρα πολύ και φυσικά θα νιώσω προδομένη αλλά μακάρι ο Harry να τα εννοεί αλλιώς αυτά που είπε... Γιατί Η...........?

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